10+ Purrfect Halloween Cat Costumes That Your Cat Will Hate
Halloween is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated celebrations of the year. Who doesn't like to get into a costume, party it up and eat all the candy? Well, us humans do, the funny cats in pet costumes, whose pictures you will see below, not so much probably.
It is always fun to celebrate the All Hallows Eve full out, including your pets into the fun. Though dressing your feline in a Halloween cat costume might not be the easiest task, it is so worth it. It turns out that clothes for cats can turn them into the most amazing sharks, spiders, cat-erpillars, famous characters, and the absolute best villains. Compiled by Bored Panda, the list is full of funny cat costumes that everybody will find hilarious. Everybody except maybe for your cat that is.
P.S.: You should never force your pet into wearing a Halloween pet costume just for the sake of fun, as it can cause a lot of stress to the animal. We advise you to dress your cat only if you are sure that you are not causing it any harm.
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Bat Cat
Cat Skeleton
Mario Cat
Trump Cat
Lion Cat
Ram Cat
Princess Leia Kitty
Katamari Dressed As A Lobster
Happy Halloween From Our Little Mermaid
This Is My Cat Minion In His Halloween Costume
*Jockey: Come on, come on eat faster! We have a race to win!!!* ;-)
Handsome Pirate Spangles
Nyan Cat
the cat looks in the camera like "wtf human, what did you consume???!"
Breaking Bad Cat
Yes, super cattitude on drugs. So high he dont care if you kitting with him.
Pretty Peacock Cat Costume I Made For Sophie
Potato The Wonder Cat
Spider Cat
My Girlfriend Homemade This Costume For Miko's First Halloween
Ghato . Sherredder
Bacon Cat
Jocat And Batcat
Every Halloween, My Cats Suffer At The Hands Of My Mother's Amusement
Ashley “Ash” Williams From Evil Dead
Marigold The Goldfish
Punk Rock Kitty
Filur - The Devon Rex Hammerhead Shark!
Hairy Potter
My Girlfriend Got Her Cat A Shark Costume. I Don't Think He Was A Fan
Jingle Bell In His Halloween Costume
Let The Feast Of A Thousand Hams Begin! - My Cat Stewie Dressed Up As Nibbler From Last Halloween
Count Catula
Sexy Cat-women
Ms.toes Modeling Part Of A New Set To Be Released This Week - Jane Pawsten
Little Beelze-babz
Little Halloween Floof
Our Justus Dressed As Darth Vader - May The Feline Be With You!
Toxic Sushi Hugo
*Skulls, doll, cat looking at your soul....* It could be a Halloween song! ;-P
Gobble Gobble
A Mexican, A Shark, & Some Sushi
A Mexican? Yikes. Btw I'm Mexican. I didn't think I was wearing a costume. I await the down votes.
Super Joni!
Diya - Ballerina Kitty...light On Her Tips😸
Creepy Pumpkin Shower Lady!
It's Tiring Being Grapes
Lucky The Unimpressed Turtle
Bu Da Benim Ayım
That's a damn good Halloween cat costume. I would never have guessed it was a cat!