Guy Loves Adopting Old Animals
Source: YouTube
Steve Greig is a person who probably owns more animals than you. And your friend. And both of you combined. Steve has a pack of dogs, a few cats, a pig, a rabbit, some chickens, and what makes it even more special – most of them have been adopted as seniors. Greig’s quest to provide a loving home for old pets began when he lost his beloved miniature Pinscher four years ago and decided to pay tribute to beloved Wolfgang by rescuing the “oldest, least adoptable” dog from a local shelter. Now, Steve’s hopes that his example will inspire others to adopt homeless animals as well, especially the older ones.
Source: YouTube
Steve Greig is a person who probably owns more animals than you. And your friend. And both of you combined. Steve has a pack of dogs, a few cats, a pig, a rabbit, some chickens, and what makes it even more special – most of them have been adopted as seniors. Greig’s quest to provide a loving home for old pets began when he lost his beloved miniature Pinscher four years ago and decided to pay tribute to beloved Wolfgang by rescuing the “oldest, least adoptable” dog from a local shelter. Now, Steve’s hopes that his example will inspire others to adopt homeless animals as well, especially the older ones.
Steve has become one of the most loved people on the planet - and the busiest :-) ) (And who on earth sticks an Irish Wolfhound into a shelter?? They already barely get older than seven or eight and we already have so little time with our pooches1? Man, I hate people who abandon their dogs)
What a wonderful,kind and generous man, they all look soooo happy and adorable,bless.
I have a pug that I adopted, she was 9 years old. Best pet I've ever had! I'll probably adopt another senior when she is gone.
Steve has become one of the most loved people on the planet - and the busiest :-) ) (And who on earth sticks an Irish Wolfhound into a shelter?? They already barely get older than seven or eight and we already have so little time with our pooches1? Man, I hate people who abandon their dogs)
What a wonderful,kind and generous man, they all look soooo happy and adorable,bless.
I have a pug that I adopted, she was 9 years old. Best pet I've ever had! I'll probably adopt another senior when she is gone.