These brilliant collages by French creative Blick take a stand for pacifism that is at once powerful and funny. The artist took historic photos depicting soldiers on duty or at war and replaced their guns with gigantic flower illustrations, making them look particularly friendly and gentle.
This short mind-provoking collage series juxtaposes the terrors of wartime with the signs of peace and hope. The vivid flowers and cartoonish shark teeth on fighting aircraft stand out in the black and white images beautifully. The series mirrors the bittersweet peace demonstrations during the Vietnam war, where flowers were given to soldiers or put into the barrels of their guns by the civil protesters.
More info: (h/t: mymodernmet, 2headedsnake)
Share on FacebookAt least nobody would die if flowers were to replace weapons. Rather idealistic. I do wish it could be true.
At least nobody would die if flowers were to replace weapons. Rather idealistic. I do wish it could be true.