While seeing an animal in the wild can be fun, seeing thousands of them migrating is mesmerizing and awe-inspiring. These awesome wildlife photos will show you just how amazing of a sight a migration can be!
Every year, birds, mammals, fish, reptiles and other animals around the world migrate for various reasons. How they know when and where to go? Although seasons and temperatures seem to be the most important factor, the whole mechanism is not yet clearly understood. Migration yields things not usually seen - tree branches bending from the weight of butterflies, birds, flying from Alaska to New Zealand without stopping. Also animals don't always just travel across the map, either - some fish migrate to different depths!
If you've captured a photo of an animal migration or of a migratory animal, we'd love to see it in this list as well. And don't forget to vote for your favorites, either!
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"50 Shades of Ray" in Baja, Mexico
White Ibis
Greater Flamingoes In Yucatán Peninsula
Fireflies In Japan
Munk's Devil Rays In Baja, Mexico
Monarch Butterflies In Mexico
Pronghorns in Canada
White Pelicans In Mississippi
Monarch Butterflies In Mexico
Walruses In Svalbard
Red Crowned Cranes Above Hula Lake, Israel
The Great Migration Of The Wildebeest Over The Mara River In Northern Serengeti
Christmas Island Red Crabs
Golden Jellyfish In Palau
Spawn In Taylor Creek, California, USA
African Buffaloes
Butterflies In Tucabaca, Bolivia
Fruit Bats in Zambia
Springbok, Namibia
Locusts In Madagascar
Ladybirds Moving To The Seaside In Blokhus, Denmark
Quite the experience: one day, the beach was completely invaded by ladybugs, flying and sitting everywhere - even on my camera and dress.
Wildebeests, Kenya
The Great Snow Geese In Canada
Living in Canada, this picture could be taken outside anywhere of the Canadian geese. There are THAT many.
Red Crowned Cranes in Israel
May-fly Swarm In Hungary, River Tisza
Shark Wall In Fakarava
Sandpipers, Canada
very nice this wild Live but if we are seriously there is something not longer exists
Sparrows In Berlin, Germany.
Mayfly Swarming On River Tisza, (hungary)
Sandhill Cranes Platte River, Ne
Carribou Migration, Canada
Moorhens In Winter Time At Lake Balaton
Grayling In Yukon, Canada
Sockeye Salmon, Canada
Sand Hill Cranes Leaving Palmer, Alaska
Absolutely, paintings I want to have in my living room. Hope my BF read this and get me one :D http://bit.ly/1zicJiD
Imagine if you can see this pictures with Samsung Gear VR http://bit.ly/1stfjx8 Priceless! (happy)
Absolutely, paintings I want to have in my living room. Hope my BF read this and get me one :D http://bit.ly/1zicJiD
Imagine if you can see this pictures with Samsung Gear VR http://bit.ly/1stfjx8 Priceless! (happy)