This Rare “Goth Chicken” Is 100% Black From Its Feathers To Its Internal Organs And Bones
The Lamborghini of poultry has just pulled into the driveway, and its name is Ayam Cemani. This beautiful bird is a rare species of chicken from Indonesia, and its dark appearance has made this black animal one of the most exotic and mysterious breeds in the world.
Every part of this rare bird is black, from its metallic feathers to its onyx feet. It even has inky internal organs, an effect caused by a condition called fibromelanosis, a harmless genetic mutation that causes extra melanin to seep into the bird’s tissue. This process happens in embryos, resulting in adorably dark Cemani chicks.
Ayam Cemani has inspired Javanese folklore since the 12th century when this black chicken was considered a bird of the elite. Its charcoal-colored blood is rumored to be a delicacy of spirits that bring power and wealth, making this beautiful chicken a good luck charm. Now scroll down below and check the stunning pictures displaying the rare beauty of Cemani.
Share on Facebook~*~ What they didn't tell you ~*~ Even the bone marrow is black. Their blood, although not black, is very dark colored. This exotic breed originated from Java in Indonesia. They were introduced to Europe in 1998 by a Dutch breeder. Ayam Cemani is one of the most expensive chickens in the world with a single bird costing up to $2,500. The chicken lays cream-colored eggs – it is the only part of Ayam Cemani that is not black. However, being poor sitters, they don’t roost and therefore the only way to hatch eggs is to incubate.
Fascinating! When we have chickens that don't roost, we tuck their eggs under a roosting chicken. The roosting chicken will raise them as her own. The reared chicks seem to be more hardy than incubated ones, so we try to avoid incubating. Also, so those are some really spendy chickens!!
Load More Replies...The eggs are white or more into cream color. They're not black, hehehe
Load More Replies...Hello, I'm from Indonesia, I agree that they're so beautiful. Although they're originally from my country, it's not so easy to find them here because it's quite hard to take care of them. But yes, they're magical and amazing.
They are hard to take care of? Meaning they die easily? Does it get cold there? I’m wondering how they handle cold winters?
Load More Replies...~*~ What they didn't tell you ~*~ Even the bone marrow is black. Their blood, although not black, is very dark colored. This exotic breed originated from Java in Indonesia. They were introduced to Europe in 1998 by a Dutch breeder. Ayam Cemani is one of the most expensive chickens in the world with a single bird costing up to $2,500. The chicken lays cream-colored eggs – it is the only part of Ayam Cemani that is not black. However, being poor sitters, they don’t roost and therefore the only way to hatch eggs is to incubate.
Fascinating! When we have chickens that don't roost, we tuck their eggs under a roosting chicken. The roosting chicken will raise them as her own. The reared chicks seem to be more hardy than incubated ones, so we try to avoid incubating. Also, so those are some really spendy chickens!!
Load More Replies...The eggs are white or more into cream color. They're not black, hehehe
Load More Replies...Hello, I'm from Indonesia, I agree that they're so beautiful. Although they're originally from my country, it's not so easy to find them here because it's quite hard to take care of them. But yes, they're magical and amazing.
They are hard to take care of? Meaning they die easily? Does it get cold there? I’m wondering how they handle cold winters?
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