Gods Of Suburbia: Artist Incorporates Different Religions Into Modern Society
This is Dina Goldstein’s third large-scale project. The work is a visual analysis of religious faith within the context of the modern forces of technology, science and secularism. She utilized Archetypes from within the Collective Unconscious, and from religious iconography, and placed them into contemporary environments.
The project challenges the viewer — religious or secular to embark on a journey of self-reflection as they contemplate the relevance of ancient ethics and morals in a society characterized by materialism and consumerism.
More info: dinagoldstein.com
Last Supper – East Vancouver
This piece is inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic, Last Supper, which was painted in the late 15th century in Milan, Italy. My reenactment of history’s most famous dinner party is meant to portray the treatment of the most vulnerable by society. Jesus and the Apostles consume the diet of street people: cheap packaged noodles, cheap beer and canned tuna, while Judas plots his betrayal of Jesus.
Elohim or Yahweh is the name for God that is found in the Hebrew Bible. In my narrative his aspirations and dreams are unfulfilled. He is living in a flophouse, taking odd jobs to survive.
Muhammad The Prophet
Muslims have a rich history as scholars and philosophers, and modernity owes much to the Islamic Golden age, which flourished from the 7th to the 13th century. This piece explores the obvious disconnect between the East, specifically Islamic principles and the West’s secular ideals, which is currently at the forefront of international concern.
Who doesn’t wish they could be Satan, just for a day, operating without the prick of a conscience? My modern Mephistopheles is a tow-truck driver, winching up the car of a grandmother who pleads with him but her dismay amuses him. As a society, we devise laws that are meant to make society a just place for all—but we fail so often.
Darwin was a British Scientist who developed the theory of evolution and natural selection. Darwin was among the many scientists that have helped society evolve out of mysticism, superstition and faith. But science does not hold the answer to everything and even subscribes to the randomness of life on Earth.
Laksmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, beauty and money. And isn’t the working woman today supposed to embody all these traits? Her four hands are the many responsibilities she shoulders. She must be beautiful and attractive for her partner and bring home at least half of the family income. But she is still in the kitchen, responsible for the running of the household. If Lakshmi fails in many responsibilities, what happens to her family, her community, her followers?
Voodoo – Voodoo Queen
The name was derived from the god Vodun of the West African Yoruba people who lived in 18th and 19th century Dahomey. Slaves brought their religion with them when they were forcibly shipped to Haiti and other islands in the West Indies. This photograph references Voodoo and is homage to African slaves. The setting is a much loved home that is about to be torn down, the young woman who grew up here is surrounded by the ghost-like memories from childhood.
The word Buddha means “awakened one” or “the enlightened one”. Buddhism is about the search for truth or enlightenment by rejecting the three poisons that keep us from true fulfillment, they are: ignorance, attachment and aversion, which equate to the Western psychological concepts of narcissism, desire, and hatred. I’ve placed Buddha in a high-end supermarket to illustrate how far we live and exist from the ideals of Buddhism, which we, in the West, pay homage to with yoga and meditation.
Wicca – Horn God and Moon Goddess
Wicca is modern Witchcraft religion that draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan motifs and ritual practice. In Wicca, female and male are equally sacred. As a modern belief system, it is given little respect or credence thanks in part to a misunderstanding of this faith which often times is portrayed in Hollywood as good and bad witches. This is something that we associate with people who are on the fringe of society, which is why my Wiccan god and goddess are, living on the outside of the mainstream, along the periphery of Suburbia.
This is Ganesha, one of the most prominent deities in Hinduism and the Lord of obstacles. Ganesha, easily identified by his Elephant head, has been depicted throughout the ages within all mediums of art and complex iconography. This portrait reflects my personal experiences from childhood. As an immigrant to Canada I was bullied for being different and for not speaking English—You can see in the photo that what differentiates people is not only what they eat, and how they dress, but also what they believe in. Being bullied makes people internalize their feelings and beliefs. By staying open to other ways of thinking and listening to the stories of those who come from different places, we can grow and enhance our lives.
Scientology – Lord Xenu
Scientology, created by Ron L. Hubbard, is controversial; due in part such famous Hollywood members, as well as its unusual science fiction like doctrines. One is the myth of Xenu, who is acting as a therapist for a psychiatrist, a twist on the Scientology belief that psychiatry as a profession is barbaric and corrupt. This portrait illustrates how those who control the minds and hearts of people through dogma are quick to condemn things that encourage free, independent thought.
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