Elementary school student Rafael Anaya had just moved from Mexico to California, and, not knowing English, was having a hard time finding new friends – until one girl used google translate to reach out and write a letter to him. A 10-year-old classmate Amanda Moore saw the boy eating lunch alone, and didn’t think it was right. See, Amanda is a girl who believes that everyone should have a buddy, so she used technology to invite Rafael to have lunch with her. Her letter reads: ‘Would you like to sit with me today? Look for me and I will show you where I sit. We can color or simply tell scary stories. Thank you for your time, signed Amanda.’

The girl’s mother Kindard told ABC7 News that since her daughter gave Rafael the note, the two have become friends. The classmates who proved that friendship is stronger than language barrier, they even went trick-or-treating together on Halloween. Rafael told the news channel that Amanda and him would be friends ‘forever.’

(h/t: huffpost)


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