Meet Crispin Young Wilson – a hardware tech that also happens to be an amazing artist creating night sky paintings. So when her friend asked to paint his son, Ben’s, room, Wilson was more than happy to do so.

“[My friend] has a little boy who refuses to sleep in his own room,” Crispin told Buzzfeed. “When my friend got his new place, he wanted me to come over and paint the room, hoping it will entice his son to sleep in it.” So on Sunday, Wilson gathered all her materials and got to work. Using glow-in-the-dark paint and some good music, she created an absolutely amazing starscape which is visible only at night. Needless to say, Ben loved it! Crispin says he now looks forward to bedtime, as “the stars are totally helping him relax and fall asleep”.

More info: Twitter


    When a friend asked Crispin Young Wilson to paint his son’s room, here’s what she did:

    “[My friend] has a little boy who refuses to sleep in his own room,” Crispin said

    “When my friend got his new place, he wanted me to come over and paint the room, hoping it will entice his son to sleep in it”


    Using glow-in-the-dark paint and some good music, she created an absolutely amazing starscape

    That’s visible only in the dark

    And when the little boy finally saw his room…


    Now the boy not only loves him room, but looks forward to bedtime, as “the stars are totally helping him relax and fall asleep”