30 Brilliant Test Answers From Smartass Kids That Will Make You Laugh
These creative pupils devised brilliant, funny test answers with puns or logic that we can’t fault. We don’t know the reasons behind all of their funny exam answers, but we know that their teacher probably had a hard time stifling a laugh.
The tricky question, though, is if a kid provides the wrong answers to a problem in an interesting way, should they be credited or penalized for it? Naturally, the best-case scenario would be for all students to understand what they’re being tested on and answer the questions correctly. But what about creativity and applying yourself intellectually?Â
For better or worse, these clever kids came up with very funny exam answers that made us smile. It’s now time for you to experience their out-of-the-box thinking. Check out our list of 30 funny answers kids gave on tests that will leave you feeling that the world’s fate is in good hands. Don’t forget to comment about your favorite exam answers, and let us know if you ever pulled such tricks while giving tests.
#1 At Least He Can Count
Image credits: Reddit.com
#2 This Cute Kids Test Answer Is Trying to Humanize Quadrilaterals
Source: imgur
#3 And Here We Have the Future Hopeless Romantic
Source: PictureHelper
#4 Funny Kids Answers Showing You Should Work Smarter Not Harder
Source: PictureHelper
#5 This Child for President, Please
Source: imgur
#6 A Calculated Risk That Actually Paid Off
Source: abolfazl
When it comes to taking risks during exams, some kids are way better at it than others. We’re sure that many of you pandas studied at the last moment for tests and had to use all your brain power to pass somehow. What risky and humorous test answers did you leave behind for your poor teachers in those moments? Let us know in the comments.Â
It’s a great way to teach future generations about all our exam hacks. Although looking at these pictures, we’re sure kids know what they’re doing nowadays.
#7 Historically Accurate?
Source: imgur.com
#8 Let’s Cut to the Chase Teacher
Source: halfricantrombone
#9 One of the Funniest Kid Test Answers That Will Make You Think
Source: Reddit.com
#10 Petition to Make Math This Simple
Source: The Math House
#11 We Think This Deserves Full Marx
Source: weakbutquick
#12 Five Points for Honesty
Source: AtomicRadiation
#13 How Do Teachers Handle These Funny Student Answers?
Source: jennahopkins
#14 When You’re So Wrong You’re Right
Source: mideysmith
#15 Costly Mistake
Source: marcofolio.net
#16 Straightforward Funny Test Answers From Kids
Source: imgur
#17 A Future Politician
Source: Iamthevapelord
#18 Everyone Agreed up Until a Point
Source: Iamthevapelord
#19 This Child Knows the Power of Whistle Tones
Source: Iamthevapelord
#20 Even an Imaginary Child Can Be Bullied
Source: Iamthevapelord
#21 We Side With the Boss on This One
Source: Iamthevapelord
#22 Creative and Funny Student Answers to Teacher Questions
Source: Iamthevapelord
#23 To Be Fair, the Goat Does Look Traumatized
Source: imgur
#24 Knowing Lady Gaga She Won’t Refute This Claim
Source: Iamthevapelord
#25 At Least This Child Is Empathetic
Source: kristineb4
#26 Funny Exam Answers by Students That Teachers Can’t Believe
Source: Iamthevapelord
#27 This Kid Knows How to Credit the Right People
Source: Iamthevapelord
#28 It’s a Fair Possibility
Source: Iamthevapelord
#29 Pictures Don’t Lie
Source: halfricantrombone
#30 Existentialism Is Afraid of This Kid
Source: Iamthevapelord
Which Funny Kids Answers Stumped You?
Even though exams are often considered scary, these ridiculous test answers remind us that it’s okay not to take everything so seriously all the time. Kids don’t just answer things with blatant honesty and humor; they also think of the weirdest things to ask. The tricky part about being a parent or teacher is answering those funny questions kids ask without losing your cool. Maybe you can also use their tactics and leave them with weird answers.
Share on FacebookWell of course in 100 years he will be dead, that was a stupid question...lol
Reaction time stopped his video and turned it into a part two when he saw question where he said my penis is it a goat
...i think he meant my pen is in a goat... but a pen kinda looks like a peni-
Well of course in 100 years he will be dead, that was a stupid question...lol
Reaction time stopped his video and turned it into a part two when he saw question where he said my penis is it a goat
...i think he meant my pen is in a goat... but a pen kinda looks like a peni-