Maps, you have to love them! As a kid in the pre-internet age, I spent many an hour poring over my precious atlas, memorizing countries, their capital cities, rivers, mountain ranges, flags...Dreaming of visiting them all, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.
But not all types of maps are useful. Some, even the most detailed world maps with countries show.. nothing helpful in particular. However, as the page 'Terrible Maps' proves, you can still have fun with them! This tongue-in-cheek collection of cartography-based funny memes and jokes is sometimes absurd and other times surprisingly informative, but funny jokes with geography and world maps are always a good laugh! Scroll down below to check out the funny drawings and useless information for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!
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Cat Earth Theory
See, if flat-earthers were right, that cat would push Austrailia off the edge!
Antarctica, The Confusing Continent
do compass hay wired to different directions there since almost everywhere is North?
A Map Of Every European City
For Those Of You Suffering From Election Fatigue. A Map Of Pubs In The Uk
35 Place Names In Iceland That Will Help You Understand What Dyslexia Feels Like
Antarctic-Centric World View
Countries That Use The Metric System Vs Countries That Lose Wars To Vietnamese Farmers
Bosnians: I Wanna Swim; Croatia: No
Potential EU Leaving Names
Saudi Arabia Mapped Only By Its Rivers
Amazingly Comprehensive Map Of Every Country In The World That Uses The Mmddyyyy Format
I still remember years ago (in the UK), a few years after 9/11, when someone came in and said it was disgusting how everyone had forgotten about the attacks and we should have a minutes silence. It was 9th November... true story.
EU Referendum Results 2016 Vs. Mad Cow Disease Outbreak Areas 1992
A Map Of The World But It’s Just The Time Zones
Chart To Determine Risk Of Bear Attack
man don't you hate it when you're flying in space above earth, and then suddenly BEAR ATTACK, yeah that's just the worst
Orange Peel Map Of Japan
Restaurant Order Preferences In Africa
Here's A Map Showing Where All Our Followers Are From
A Map Of Every American City
The Russian Empire As Of 2017
How Many Switzerlands Fits In Brazil
Map Of All Of The Churches In Poland
A Map Of Europe By Each Nation's Most Iconic Artwork. If You Can Name Them All You Deserve A Prize! (But Won't Get One).
Map Of Earth If There Was No Land
Electricity Consumption In Europe In 1507
Fascinating: Countries Arranged By Geographical Location
The Legality Of Owning A Kangaroo In The United States
Map Of The Uk, According To Americans.
This Is Actually In A Textbook..(Glencoe Science: Biology, Chapter 5, Section 3.)
Diagram Of Geopolitical Relationships In The Middle East
Gif Of Swiss Expansion Over The Past 200 Years
Super Bowl Wins By Country
Which Country Is The Roundest?
Handy Chart Showing How Far I Would Walk Just To..
Garbage Can V Trash Can In The United States
Population Per Capita
Is This Country Greenland?
Countries With An Ak-47 On Their Flag
That's Mozambique, my country. I never understood why an AK47 is necessary on our flag. The same to christianity carrying a cross as their symbol
Countries Where Queen Elizabeth II Can Be Charged With A Crime
Name Of Hamburger By Us County
If Great Britain Was Located Next To Japan
Us Governors By Eye Color
Really Makes You Think
Once upon a time, war broke out among Norwegian Vikings. One band launched the boats and fled. They discovered a green island and settled. Afraid that their enemies might pursue them, they sent word back to Norway that their island was actually an ice-land, but that another island — more distant, larger and indeed covered by ice — was inhabitable green-land. And so the green island became Iceland, and the icy island became Greenland.
Less Than 0.1% Of The World Population Lives In The Blue Area
I'm Just Gonna Put This Here
Now that I'm up by Canada expect me to be leaving the country any day now!
Map Of Roman Air Bases In 2nd Century Ad
What Happens When You Replace Every Official Or Co-Official French Speaking Country With A Picture Of Kim Kardashian Crying
All The Words In Italy For Female Genitalia
Map Of Antarctica's Bays
San Marino At Its Territorial Peak
There is a sports tournament only for the smallest countries, like the olympics for micro nations. San Marino, Liechtenstein and Andorra are in it.
Map Of France If It Was A Pizza
If Gravity Is Real, Than Why Doesn't The Ocean Go To The South Hemisphere?
It says 1 pope/square mile. And my guess is there must be a green dot where the Vatican is supposed to be.
Maps have always been fascinating, especially when they are paired with creative and humorous memes.
This reminds one of the playful nature of online discussions, similar to the humorous names internet users brainstormed in response to Brexit. It’s amazing how humor becomes a universal language, whether through maps or clever wordplay.
@Ivan: Usually "twisted sense of humor" (in the US at least) means a dark sense of humor and that you find humor in things others would find objectionable, offensive, or repellent.
Load More Replies...@Ivan: Usually "twisted sense of humor" (in the US at least) means a dark sense of humor and that you find humor in things others would find objectionable, offensive, or repellent.
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