Are you an "innie" or an "outie"? No, I'm not talking about your belly button! I mean are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Statistics show that you're just as likely to be one or the other. According to a test carried out by the Myers-Briggs organization in 1998, there's an almost even split between the number of introverts and the number of extroverts (in the US at least).
For those of you who consider yourself a member of the former group, Bored Panda has compiled this awesome list of cartoons illustrating what it means to be an introvert. And even if you're an extrovert then you'll probably still find them funny. You might even tell your friends about it. Or maybe just your cat. It all depends what camp you're in.
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Rainy days ARE beautiful, they are just better appreciated when you are warm and dry at home :)
Wow. That is so me! I hate making "official" phone calls! I bribe my boyfriend to do them for me! :D
I used to get my mum to ground me to avoid friends dragging me outside to play...
Actually, most entertainers are introverts. It's their managers that are the extroverts as they are the best at getting them noticed.
I hate it when I'm walking around in magazines with my earphones and salespersons try to start a conversation or are asking if they can help me. If I have earphones in my ears, just leave me alone, you don't even have to greet me. Because if you do, I will run away, but otherwise I could even buy something. :)
I can so easily relate to this for when I was doing my erasmus exchange and lived in a flat share. When I came back home I -needed- to live alone (again)!
...but in 7 hours she will be dreaming about her pajamas again :/
the internet gives me more advice on how to murder someone then i would ever need.
Truuuu sometimes I get bored at home but when I go out I'm too awkward to do anything lol
LOL someone on Twitter asked, "Why are the cool people in the wall?" And someone replied, "Because they belong there." XD
What kind of a jerk says "I didn't even know you HAD other friends". That is a horrible friend.
I am a akward combanation of both, I need interaction but I am to socccially akward to have real friends.
if I can order it online... you bet ur a*s that is my method of shopping!
It's funny because as soon as I read the 'ding dong ' of the comic strip , someone rang my doorbell !
I actually hate self checkout lanes. That used to be someone's job.
If a girl at a party said that to me I would be immediately interested in talking further. Because it's different, and same is boring.
Heaven. But I wouldn't have a blanket, I get too hot. A long nightshirt, preferably decorated with a cute pattern.
I was selected from 50 people in a job application and i didnt get the job case they asked me the same question... I didnt known what to say
i always prepare what to say, but the person always ask questions i didn't prepare for
As an introvert if you touch me without permission I will punch you in the face.
I am going to say the second response to one of my friends next time they ask me why I'm reading.
introverts are like really shy singers. very talented but won't really open up much to sing (in a place that isn't a shower)
today my hands were in my pockets when someone said hello i didn't even move a finger. No handshakes please.
He comes at night when everyone's asleep to avoid social interaction . . .
I just busted out laughing in a public place...of course while alone and avoiding eye contact with everyone else.
Pretend to be engaged and paying attention. They always call the kid falling asleep or chit chatting.
i rarely visit my account too and when i do its to see what people posted and get the hell out before some friend of a friend notices i am there and decides to chit chat.
Black shirt, jeans, hoodie, airpods. practical and isn't a attention grabber
I know that many of this comics are just made for laugh , but just some psychology to encourage some persons to meet new people and be happier: Introverts are drained by multiple stimulation and energized by controlled stimulation. Their disposition is frequently misconstrued as shyness, social phobia or even avoidance personality disorder, but many introverts socialize easily. They just need a manageable environment and the right amount of people :D
Yep, and a lot of introverts are actually quite outgoing, and often entertaining (think of comedians), it just drains us SO much more than the average extrovert, and a lot of time outgoing introverts get confused for extroverts so when we need some alone time, it confuses people.
I am an introvert, am shy, suffer from social phobia and GAD (general anxiety disorder) so I can relate to all the comics
I know that many of this comics are just made for laugh , but just some psychology to encourage some persons to meet new people and be happier: Introverts are drained by multiple stimulation and energized by controlled stimulation. Their disposition is frequently misconstrued as shyness, social phobia or even avoidance personality disorder, but many introverts socialize easily. They just need a manageable environment and the right amount of people :D
Yep, and a lot of introverts are actually quite outgoing, and often entertaining (think of comedians), it just drains us SO much more than the average extrovert, and a lot of time outgoing introverts get confused for extroverts so when we need some alone time, it confuses people.
I am an introvert, am shy, suffer from social phobia and GAD (general anxiety disorder) so I can relate to all the comics