An incorrect space - or the lack of an appropriate one - between words and letters can make or break even the most eloquent of texts. Sometimes it happens because of human error. Other times it's down to the "kerning" settings on your computer. Kerning is the process of spacing, and some computer typefaces do this automatically while others don't do it at all.
Spaces might technically be invisible, but their power is no less great because of this. And there's no better way to demonstrate their power than with this hilarious list of spacing fails. Compiled by Bored Panda, the pictures below will hopefully remind you of how damaging - and how funny - incorrect spacing can be. Don't forget to vote for the best!
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Something Might Be Off About The Kerning
It Was My Cousin Clint's Birthday, And His Mother-in-law Reminds Us All About The Importance Of Kerning.
I'm Sorry, What's Broken?
My Math Teacher Also Taught Us The Importance Of Kerning
Another Reminder That Yes, Fonts And Kerning Matter
Maybe They Should Pick A Different Font Next Time
9 ladies dancing, 8 maids a milking, 7 swans a swimming, 6 geese a laying ... fiiiiiiive golden rings....
Think That's What You Call A Typography Fail
What Style Of Massage Is This?
Spacing Is Important
Erm? No Thanks...
A Traditional Barber Shop
Badly Misspelled Name
Space Bar, You Had One Job
Sign Above The Megaflicks Store
I read megaflicks the first time without reading the sentence above the picture
Bull Titan Us
I googled it. It's actually the correct name of a store in China.
Yet Another Kerning/gutter Fail
Worst Tart Ever
Real Smooth Gigabyte...
'Ya put your right d**k in, you pull your wheel d**k out...'
Ellie Goulding's Latest Song
Bad Kerning, Good 'shrooms
Hey Walmart... Kerning Is Important
Ok we have seen plenty of click d**k ones. We get the similarity.
The Worst Kind Of Clearance
My Aunt In The Philippines Made A Nice Birthday Cake For My Relative Curt
I Don't Think I Would Trust This Colza Oil
Breakfast Butz. Start Your Day Off With A Kick In The Ass (by An Eagle)
Kids would probably be more likely to eat breakfast butts they'd find that hilarious. Just ask a 5 year old to say butt they can't without giggling. I love kids lol
Lego Click Brick
This Is Why Kerning Is Important
Fast Food
The first honest fast food name. That junks repulsive. Had a 1/4 pounder in my fridge the receipt from over a month ago it looked new everything including the veggies were still intact.
Vos Anus
The Letter Spacing On The Sony Website Should Probably Be Revised
When it comes to designing text, ensuring the correct spacing between letters is crucial. The impact of poor spacing is hilariously illustrated in real-life examples of kerning mishaps, often highlighted as a pivotal mistake that alters the intended message.
To delve deeper into the significance of character spacing, you might want to explore some amusing examples of character spacing errors.