Raul Lemesoff, an eccentric artist in Buenos Aires, Argentina, has created a bizarre tank-like ‘Weapon Of Mass Instruction’ (Arma de Instruccion Masiva) that he intends to use to battle ignorance and spread knowledge.

Lemesoff converted a 1979 Ford Falcon into a bizarre tank-like vehicle complete with a swiveling turret, a non-functioning gun, and space to store about 900 books – inside and outside of the vehicle.

A video about the project made by 7Up shows him driving through the streets of Buenos Aires and delivering books to young and old alike. His only demand – that they promise to read what he’s given them. “My missions are very dangerous,” the artist jokes in a video about his project. “I attack people in a very nice and fun way.

More info: | Facebook (h/t: mymodernmet)