What is the best way to get at your annoying office colleague? A passive-aggressive note, of course! After all, as anybody who's ever read Sun Tzu's The Art of War will know, the best way to deal with somebody stealing your sandwiches or leaving loaves of bread in the toilet (seriously) is to leave them a snarky and anonymous note expressing your displeasure. Problem solved...right? Well, not quite. Sparks turn into flames and notes turn into a war, with these passive-aggressive quotes.
Anyway, if you are looking for a spiteful way to stop the office food thief - here are some passive-aggressive examples for your disposal. Just be careful to find your match in this manner of solving a dispute - otherwise, you might be the one who got passive-aggressive'd.
So, as the famous war-cry goes - liberty or death! Good luck!
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Forever In The Friend Zone
Found This At Work Today
Walked Past The It Office Door And Noticed A New Sign
Those Office Trends, I Don't Get Them
Please Keep The Door Closed
At Least Your Coworkers Have A Great Sense Of Humour
The People In My Office Just Couldn't Help Themselves
Thanks For Understanding
Leave The Office For 10 Mins
The Office Philosopher
An Email Went Out Around The Office About A Lost Pen. This Appeared In The Break Room The Next Day
They Just Don't
New Rules For Posting Notices In The Office
Apparently Debbie Has A Bit Of Bad Reputation Around The Office Refrigerator
Sacarsm At The Office
I Don't Know Why I Can't Stop Laughing At This
I Believe We Have An Office Thief, Damn
Housekeeping At My Friend's Office Missed A Dead Cricket. It Has Since Snowballed Into A Full On Memorial
This Sarcastic Advice In The Office
same goes to traffic lights button.. "the more you push, the faster it turns green"
Spoiled Milk, Spotted In My Office
Possible Troll In The Office?
Please Do Not Print Large Jobs. Or, By All Means, Please Do!
The Office Fridge Today
My Office Refuses To Take Down This Non Operating Antiquated Piece Of Equipment , So I Did The Only Logical Thing
That's What Jesus Said
The picture is of buddy Christ from Jay and silent Bobs dogma that's awesome
This Is What Happens When People Submit Passive-Aggressive Office Memos Where I Work
The First Thing I Noticed About My Dad's Office
Break Room Logic
Note About The Middle Aged Man Named Brian
Walked Into The Office Kitchen To Find This
Microwave At The Office Is Out Of Order & I Work With Artists/Comedians
This Hair
I Work At A Cut-Throat Office
When You Leave A Note In An Office Full Of Editors
Coffee Fight
Starbucks know a thing or two about running a successful budiness. But making good coffee is not one of them. Or paying their staff properly.
I Wonder Why
Why The Font
"Please Eat Me! I´m Delicious"
Three Of My Professors Share An Office. This Was Just Put Up On Their Door
My Husband Just Sent Me This Saying The Office Is A Minefield
Too bad nobody thought to write "hold the door" next to this note..
As A Worker In An It Office, It Is Sad This Had To Be Done
A Touching Gesture From My Company After 9 Years Of Employment Came To An End
Someone In The Office Is A Fan Of Archer
Not The Kittens, Please
Got A New Job Last Week. This Is The Leaving Cake I Made For The Office On My Last Day
As Office It, My Response To Google Cloud Print Complains
The Latest Office Baby Announcement Just Got Awkward
And given the color scheme, this exchange took place between the riddler and the joker... I can even hear it in Mr Hamills' voice.
Found This On The Fridge At Work. I'm Pretty Concerned For A Fellow Coworker
Ice From Home
In My Office, About 100 People Share One Communal Fridge. One Person Has Been Bringing A Gallon Of Milk For Months And Completely Ignoring How Much Room It Takes Up
So apparently now it's a commom trend to steal your coworkers food and make THEM look bad if they have the nerve to say something... I know leaving your parents house and their spoiling can be difficult sometimes but well, providing for yourself is part of the adult life, everyone must go there one day (sooner than later please for the sake of your coworkers).
Believe it or not, it was the 40-50 y.o. women stealing the food at the large office I worked at. We were 1,100 people under roof, with 4 breakrooms and a cafeteria on site, yet they continued to steal food. People that do that should be fired on the first offense!
So apparently now it's a commom trend to steal your coworkers food and make THEM look bad if they have the nerve to say something... I know leaving your parents house and their spoiling can be difficult sometimes but well, providing for yourself is part of the adult life, everyone must go there one day (sooner than later please for the sake of your coworkers).
Believe it or not, it was the 40-50 y.o. women stealing the food at the large office I worked at. We were 1,100 people under roof, with 4 breakrooms and a cafeteria on site, yet they continued to steal food. People that do that should be fired on the first offense!