There's only one thing that cute cats love more than laying around and doing sweet nothing - and that's fitting into small places. They take even bigger pleasure in wrapping themselves in an Amazon box, a shoe shelf, or even a pizza box when they know that their human thinks they won't be able to fit - oh, the pleasure of proving your human slave wrong...
While a lot of us find this 'cat in a box' behavior bizarre (I mean, why would you put yourself in a place that looks painfully uncomfortable), scientists have a couple of explanations for these funny cat antics.
First, let's remember that our silly cats are actually fierce predators - and boxes are great places to stalk victims from and hide. Therefore, cats get a sense of comfort and security from enclosed spaces, and some research suggests that boxes even decrease feline stress levels.
Another reason why we often find sleeping cats curled up in small and tiny places is that it helps them preserve their body heat. The thermoneutral zone for a domestic cat is 86 to 97 degrees Fahrenheit, which happens to be 20 degrees higher than ours. Therefore, getting into a tiny box may serve as a smart heat-saving strategy.
Whatever the exact reasons, let's admit it - cats can be very hilarious! And if you don't believe us, check the funny cat photos below.
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Apparently Any Size Box Will Do
Move Over... Then We Can Both Fits
Nice To Have A Buddy When You're Down And Out
I Don't Even Understand How This Is Possible
Those Eyes
Big Cats Love Boxes Too
Angry Dad Cat Liked To Sit In The Sink By Himself... Until
Cat Climbed Into Clear Plastic Flower Pot
"to plant your cat, you must first make sure it is in it's liquid state"
All Cats Is The Same
Her Name Is Audrey, She Is The Smallest Kitten I've Ever Seen, And She Fell Asleep In My Roommate's Pocket Like This. Looks Comfortable
That Face Says, "Try And Move Me, My Cousin Is A Lion"
My Cat Fell Asleep In My Salad
If I Fits, I Sits
I Don't Fits, But I Still Sits
You do not need contacts to see me human. I will be the face you wake up to every morning. It will be the one about 2 inches away from yours. See other things? What other things? You are my Human. You need not see anything other than me.
If I Fits, I Sits
If I Fits I Sits (Fancy Edition)
My Girlfriend's Cat Was Reunited With The Basket He Was Brought Home In
Must Use Every Possibility To Sit
If I Fits, I Sits
My Cat Chewed An Armrest For Herself In A Box
Cat Liquid
If We All Fits, We All Sits!
If Maru Fits, He Sits
I've Made A Huge Mistake
The Little Paw Showing Through The Bowl
How The Hell
#28 will explain why. They believe they are like water. They just hate getting into it because cats think it'll dissolve the whiskers
Kitty! That's Not What That's For...
Cat Logic
Nap Time!
"Don't Mess With Me. I From Da Hood"
We Fits!
If I Fit, I Sit
A Box Is A Box
Everything Is Fine, I Is Comfortable
Spent 10 Minutes Looking For My Cat Before I Went To Bed, Found Him Asleep In A Wok On Top Of The Freezer
If I Fits, I Sits
What Do You Mean I Can't Fit?
His tag is so funny, it's says " I'm a kitty convict (please return me)" 😂☺️
If You Fits, I Sits
If He Fits He Sits While I Shits
The Orange Shrub-Cat Requires Many Pets To Grow Big And Strong. Contrary To Other Shrubs, This Shrub Is Deeply Adverse To Being Watered
If It Fits, We Sits
That's A Muffin-Top
Bol Cat
"Welp, Guess I'll Just Die Here"
Adopted Cat Brothers Continue Sleeping Together Even After They Outgrow Their Bed
If They Fits... They Sits
Kitten In A Wine Glass
Fits, Sits, And Licks
Moms Kitty Cat Loves To Nap In A Vase
Girlfriend Got A Kitten... If It Fits, I Sits
When My Cat Doesn't Fit... No F*cks Are Given
Neatly Packaged Loaf Of Cat
What Do You Want Hooman, I'm Fine
My Cat Wouldn't Accept The Fact That The Box Was Too Small For Him
Box Is For Cat. Do Not Remove
You can carry me around easier this way. Are I not a wonderfully thoughtful master to you, my hooman?
'You Silly Cat You Don't Fit There' - 'Yes I Do, Watch...'
Who Ordered Boxed Kittens?
Cat In A Hat
Huxley My Cat, Being A Shoe
Not Rachel Green Cat: It's like, all my life everyone's told me: You're a shoe, You're a shoe, You're a shoe! Ok. A shoe sounds good. If I fits, I sits.
If It Fits, I Sleeps
Yeah... I Fit Perfectly Here...
I Haven't Gained Weight - The Box Shrunk
I Fits
Somehow He Fit All Four Paws In This Bin...
A Box!
Pizza Anyone?
Can I Fits And Sits Too?
Apparently This Is Where I Keep All My Valuables
If I Fits, I Sits
Our New Kitten Is Finally Strong Enough To Walk And Climb, So Naturally "If I Fits, I Sits"
What I Found When I Got Home One Day
If I Fits
My Cat Tried His Damnedest To Fit In This Deceivingly Undersized Cat Tree From Groupom
Our 22 Pound Cat, Ed, Made The Box Fit Him
Waiting For Scrambled Eggs
I Fits, I Sits. The Dish Is There Specifically For The Cat And Is Not Used For Any Other Purpose
Got The Bigger, Blacker Box Today In The Mail. My Cat Was Thrilled
If I Fits, I Sits
If I Don't Fits, I Still Sits
I'm Sprouting
His Very First "If I Fit, I Sit"
"I Can Totally Fit"
See, I Fits
If I Fits, I Sits - My Fat Cat Edition
If this was my house, I would have screamed. And then the cat would freak out, causing all the tableware to go flying/breaking, and the flowers to come crashing down, spilling the water and ruining the tablecloth and making the seats wet, making my mother say: "She ruined Thanksgiving" because yes, I live in a cartoon.
My Cat Max Heard About The "I Fit I Sits" Game. I Don't Think He Quite Gets It Yet
If I Fit, Can I Come With?
If I Fits, I Sits
My Cat Likes To Sleep In Garbage Cans
What u looking at, u pervert, get out of my face! I see ur camera, ok u r recording this? u recording this? Ok, u r ballsy, i will kill u after my nap, watch out boy, watch out.
If It Fits, She Sits.. And Falls Asleep
The Many Sits Of Geeky
Box 'o Landshark
'I Told You Both Of Us Could Fit' - 'I F*cking Hate You Right Now'
If It Fits, She Sits
A Little Cat Sleeping In My Sketchbook
One Of My Friend's New Kittens, Already Obeying The 'If It Fits, I Sits' Rule
Cats Can Mathematically Work Out The Exact Place To Sit That Will Cause The Most Inconvenience
Since He Was A Kitten...
School House Kitty
If Fits, I Sits
The Master Of Tiny Spaces: Zeus
If It Fits, I Sits
If I Fits, I Sits
I've Never Had Cats, But I'm Catsitting This Week. Decided To Try An Experiment; Mogli Hopped Right In After The Box Had Been On The Ground For Only 3 Seconds. Cats Really Do Love Cardboard Boxes, I Guess
The Princess And Her Entourage.
How To Fit A Very Round Tigger In A Square Box.......
If It Doesn't Fits, I Still Sits
error404usernamenotfoundbecauseitsalreadytaken Report
My Furbaby George Pretending To Be A Plant... Passed Last Sept At 17.
If I Fits, I Sits
Cooking With Ginger
Meet My Cat Pussy Willow! If She Fits, She Sits
My Cat Casually Sleeping In Ukulele's Box
If I Fits, I Sits
Why Yes, I Fit, I Sit
Looks like he's saying "I don't always fits, but when I do...I sits."
Not Every Fits Can Be A Sits
Channeling Her Inner Ukulele
She's Starting Her "If I Fits, I Sits" Early
If Atticus Fits, Atticus Sits
New House, New Hiding Spots!
I Fits!
Comfy Clean Litter To Lay In
If It Fits, He Sits
If I Fits Might As Well Have Kids
Rents Are Too Damn Expensive!
Nice And Comfy
Sox In A Box
My Workout Buddy :)
Princess Luther Will Get In All Boxes, No Matter The Size. And Then Yell Till You Go See Her
I Am A Potted Plant
My Coco... She Loves This Box
It Took A While (he's A Big Cat), But He Managed To Fit In The Shoebox ;)
Two In A Basket
U Fit, I Fit
Me fit, we fit
She Squeezed Herself Into One Of The Boxes Prepared For Moving Home ;)
My Cat Likes To Sit In Small Bowls
If I Get Fit Inside I Sit Inside
Window Sill.
101 Ways To Wok Your Cat
Love the expression. Cat's in her heaven, and all's right with her world!
Stryker Loves To Sleep In Our Sink
I Don't Care How Much You Spent On This Camera Equipment.....
Almost In The Sink, But Fits In The Basket
My Cat Seems To Have Missed The "Fits" Part Of If I Fits I Sits
I Am Not A Potted Plant
They Have Own Beds...
Everywhere She Fits, She Sits!
Card Box?!?! Really?!?!
If It Fits Im Slidin On In . And I Sits
If It Fits, I Sits
I Was Cleaning The Guinea Pigs Cage And Found Her In Their Upside Down Home.
Fits Just Fine! (note: One Friend Assumed This Was A Pizza Box. It Is A 9"x12" Usps Box. And Yes, She Is A Full-grown Cat.)
Now We Are Ready To Move!
Clearly Not A Banana
Patriotic Pot Cat. Only In Usa - We Grow Our Own!
Astro, From Argentina
Ham And A Clear Box
If I Goes, I Sits. (inside Ceiling)
I Fits, I Sits, I Chill
Goldie. Greetings From Hungary!
So Much Room In The House But If I Fits I Sits
Kitty In A Basket
Tacocat :)
Even If I Don't Fits, I Sits
If It Fits, I Sits
Other Fizzy Drinks Are Available
I Can Stretch My Paws And Still Lots Of Room For My Tail. It Is Obviously A Perfect Fit.
Bagged To Go
Not Only Do I Fit But Also ...
Normally Sitting 6ft Up, But Likes To Be Carried As Well.
She Fully Embraces The "fits/sits" Rule Of Being A Cat
There's Cat In My Salad...
Puss And Boots
17 Lb Cat In A Shoe Shelf
Man, the forced perspective of this shot makes its paws look soooooo tiny!!
She Fits Better In My Philology Notes Box Than A Copy Of Umberto Eco Book ;)
The Name Of Rose?
Not A Turkey!
15 Inches Across.. When Obi, Pysia & Princess Of Darkness Where Babies :)
Kira In A Gift Bag
Catfiene Free 😊
Amazing How Your Cat Can Sit In A Box And Still Make You Feel Like The Stupid One
Cats Love Remodeling, They Use All The Castaways Like This Sink Top On The Deck
New Plant
"the rare and elusive cat-flower, though beautiful, does NOT like to be watered and will turn dangerous if watered."
My Humans Will Have To Wait To Finish Their Job Here!
She Was A Fan Of Double Boxes
Princess Of Darkness In My Gym Bag
I Fits...
I Am Always Ready To Stop Your Shredding
Black On Black
If Six Kitties Fit...
The Nester Feeder Needs A Cat
Yep, I Fit Nicely. Can You See Me??
Business Cat Has Taken "I Fits, I Sits" To The Next Level
Smudge, He Went From Feral Cat To Office Cat At The Barn I Worked At To Eventually Being Mine, He's Not Small Either!
Aurora For Dessert
Chad In A Basket He Found On The Floor!
Not A Tight Fit, But I Sits As Laundry
Fuzzy T. And Basket.
Mignonne In The Bin
Ready For School
Kisser Love Red
I Think He Doesn't Understand What Is It For.
I Need Some Of This Cat Seeds
We Got A New Fish Today.
Chilling In A Bowl
If It Fits, I Sits, Especially If The Color Matches
"do I Stay In The Box, Or Do I Knock Over The Pieces?"
That's Why I Have Created Wool Cocoon For Cats :)
Who Me? I Sits Here
She "fits" She Tried To Sit! On My Face @ 3am Almost Every Morning
To Market To Market...what Do You Mean I'm An Indoor Cat?
I Love My Box!!
We Grew A Cat!
It Fits, I Sits, These Tests Are Mine!
Got A Problem, Human??
Mila Kunis Can't Get Enough Of That Box Wine Either
Nothing Like A Nice Warm Keyboard
How Is This Comfortable?
I Fits...therefore I Sits...
Cat On A Hot Cake Tin.
Tsa Won't Notice
Sorry, sir, I can't let you board with those 18 conceled switchblades.
On Garbage!!! Well This Cat Does Not Seem To Mind Ut!!
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Boredpanda the only website i need adblock for my f*****g phone. Fix it or get deleted! Unusable and i dont install it for one site.... it always jumps to another site after 5 seconds
Predator With His Victim
Bitty Ali Bop,tried,to,sit On My Face Yet Again! Every Morning
My Cats. Random Lee The Derpy Black N White. Spike Zulu The Chocolate Fluff. And Disco Biscut The Fluffy Calico. They Derp Everywhere.
Very Proud Of Himself
Oh Well, Guess I Won't Be Needing The Bucket.
Dj Lil' Guy......i Fits, I Sleeps!
I I Have Babies! (in The Corner Behind Cabinets, Under The Countertop!)
Not Only Cats Squeeze Themselves In Tiny Spaces. "if I Fits I Sits"
Timper Sleeping On The Top Of Her Head On The Top Of My Head On The Top Of The Bed!
Box? Checked! Catnip Pillow? Checked! Now I Can Travel!
Aren't These Cat Mats?
She Just Kinda... Made Herself At Home Here...
My Friend's Cat Did Not Want To Be Bothered In Her Peaceful Pot
Snug As A Big In A...
This Is My Now Dead Kitty.. :(. But You Have To Say This Is Cute... #firstboredpandapost
I Not On The Kitchen Bench Mum, I In The Basket!
If He Fit, He Loved To Sit. Miss You, Gus!
Don't Care If You Were Here First. I Fits In Front Of You, So I Sits.
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Marija Bern
Author, BoredPanda staff
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
This has been the most entertaining post ever. I never laughed so hard at anything before!!
This has been the most entertaining post ever. I never laughed so hard at anything before!!