This Woman’s Boss Told Her Headscarf Was ‘Unprofessional’ So She Went To Work In Cosplay
When June J Rivas’s boss told her that her dress code was unprofessional, she didn’t realize the can of worms she was opening.
“So my boss didn’t like me wearing my hair in a ponytail everyday,” she wrote on Facebook. “Nor my hair in a scarf. “Unprofessional”. Nor my hair in pigtails. “Unprofessional”. So I filed a harassment complaint against her as our contract states “no dress code. just be clean and pressed”.” Her boss countered by devising a new dress code that outlawed all of the above plus a number of other items including straps, hats, sandals, cleavage, “and even (and I quote) “cultural head wraps”.” The new rules however said nothing about Cosplay, so after reporting her boss to the EEOC (Equal Opportunities Employment Commission), Rivas decided to have a little fun. See for yourself below.
This is the ‘unprofessional’ outfit that June’s boss had a problem with
So June filed a harassment complaint. Later, her boss responded with new rules banning all “cultural head wraps”
June finally agreed to follow the guidelines…but not the way her boss expected!
She started coming to work wearing Cosplay!
The new dress code never said anything about blonde wigs or contact lenses
The rules don’t mention anything about the leather or Spock ears either
“I have come to work each day in an outfit that fits the guidelines,” wrote Rivas
You don’t mess with Cosplayers!
Share on Facebook"No cultural headwraps" is a major discrimination lawsuit just waiting to happen. That boss has some sort of personal or racist vendetta going on. Either that or she is just a control freak.
DRESS CODE is very simple: Just keep your clothes on. Apparently your boss has never been to Wal-Mart (lol j/k)
Blaming the boss is perfect, and so is filing a harrassment complaint. Obviously, something is going wrong in that department. The cosplay, however creative it is and however cool these costumes look, is a clear escalation and provocation. A bit like "look what I think of your stupid rules, I stick to same and still pester you". It makes it questionable whether mutually solving a bad workplace atmosphere is really sought. The "don't mess with cosplay" says it all. A workplace is no place to mess with each other, neither upwards nor downwards the hierarchy ladder.
I can see your point. She's totally in her rights but that's doesn't make it the best way of action
Load More Replies..."No cultural headwraps" is a major discrimination lawsuit just waiting to happen. That boss has some sort of personal or racist vendetta going on. Either that or she is just a control freak.
DRESS CODE is very simple: Just keep your clothes on. Apparently your boss has never been to Wal-Mart (lol j/k)
Blaming the boss is perfect, and so is filing a harrassment complaint. Obviously, something is going wrong in that department. The cosplay, however creative it is and however cool these costumes look, is a clear escalation and provocation. A bit like "look what I think of your stupid rules, I stick to same and still pester you". It makes it questionable whether mutually solving a bad workplace atmosphere is really sought. The "don't mess with cosplay" says it all. A workplace is no place to mess with each other, neither upwards nor downwards the hierarchy ladder.
I can see your point. She's totally in her rights but that's doesn't make it the best way of action
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