Last Sunday the elephants at Ringling Bros, one of America’s largest circuses, performed for the last time ever thanks to a public backlash over the years. The world’s most famous elephant show has come to an end after 145 years of existence. The elephants will be transferred to Ringling’s 200-acre Center for Elephant Conservation in Florida.

However, the centre is far from an elephant paradise as it’s “long known for chaining and keeping elephants on concrete and for using bullhooks and electric prods.” While getting rid of circus performances is a step in the right direction, it’s clear that more work still needs to be done before these animals can enjoy a safe and peaceful life.

More info: ringlingelephantcenter | Facebook (h/t: theanimalrescuesite)


    Last Sunday the elephants at Ringling Bros performed for the last time ever

    The world’s most famous elephant show has come to an end after 145 years of existence


    The elephants will be transferred to Ringling’s 200-acre Center for Elephant Conservation in Florida

    While getting rid of circus performances is a step in the right direction, it’s clear that more work still needs to be done before these animals can enjoy a safe and peaceful life