46 Examples Of Double Standards In Our Society That You’re Probably Guilty Of
Equality is humanity's Holy Grail, the cornerstone of most value systems, but we have yet to reap all of its rewards. Sure, our society has tremendously evolved for the better during the last, say, 100 years, but a long journey is still ahead, and the vast array of double standards that still divide people to this day highlight this perfectly.
The double standard definition states that it is a rule or a principle applied to different people or groups. The most prominent case of double standard examples to this day come from gender equality. What's usually okay for men, is not acceptable when done by women. Starting with beach attire and ending with lady bosses, society finds unnecessary ways to chime in about what's wrong and what's right.
Bored Panda has compiled a list of insightful illustrations that uncover the uncomfortable truth behind some everyday life situations, and it's (mildly) disturbing how accurate they are. Judging by these images, it's clear that sometimes terms like 'gender equality' are reduced to no more than a catchphrase. Scroll down to see the proof for yourself, and vote for your favorites.
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Double Standards
Clothing Standards
I get fake geek girl all the time! I wear big glasses, I dress differently and I do occasionally play games. People I know say I'm trying to be a fake geek girl or gamer girl and I have no idea what they mean. I'm not trying to be anything I'm just comfy this way! I'm glad it's not just me who experiences this
Body Image Standards
Woman's face though: "I live among idiots. Honestly, do you think that I want your f***ing opinion?"
Boys vs. Girls
Double Standards
Work Rules
Fakes And Posers
Body Standards
Double Standards For Parents
That's really annoying. I only have an experience as a passer-by or a witness but I can say some people indeed are narrow-minded enough to act like that.
Double Standards On Emotions
Body Positivity
Leadership Strategies
That reminds me of the man who made the experience of signing all his emails by a female name for a week to talk about gender inequality in doing business. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/what-happened-when-a-man-signed-work-emails-using-a-female-name-for-a-week_us_58c2ce53e4b054a0ea6a4066
Makeup vs. Natural
So damn true. One time I overheard my coworkers talking and these two guys were discussing about "girls who put makeup are so insecure, it's like they couldn't even go out without makeup if their life depended on it". Then another day in the same week, I was so tired I decided not to put makeup. The very same guy saying this was like "omg what happened to your face?". Yeah no wonder why women are "so insecure"...
Gender Equality
Shameless Girls
Double Standards
Women don't get round, they get curvy in all the right places. And that's sexy af.
Gender Equality
Girls vs. Boys
Double Standards On Young Girls
If you're a true pro-life, instead of blaming a stranger, do something towards building a society where abortion is not needed. Same goes for (extremist) pro-choicers - instead of hating on some women's decisions, let's do something towards building society where abortion is not something a womam does because "she had no other choice".
Double Standards On Bodies
I think only women have a problem with this. I can't imagine guy's really finding this a big deal. XD Also on the beach people sunbathe topless as well so. As far as armpit hair. Well you're free to do it. But people are also free to not find you attractive then. But there are all kinds of things people find attractive and not attractive so I don't really see a problem.
Shallow vs. Desperate
very well done! and the girl in the second instance doesn't even get a speech-bubble, let alone a date!
Dressing Appropriately
Girls vs. Boys
Society's Take On Men
The second one will always be an idiotic statement, for both male and female. I hear it a lot, yet don't understand why it's a race to get intimate with another person. It's a personal experience and (can be) something special, on top of that: It's none of another's business, and if those think it is, they're the ones leading a sad life. Sure, the term "Lucky at cards, unlucky in love" is on it's place in this regard, but luck can switch lanes now and then.
Dad Bod vs. Mom Bod
Have we totally forgotten how milf went ? Not that that was great but, seriously ? Which one do we pick? Can we just be who we are, male, female, or however, and just be happy? The insecurity is mind blowing to me, on behalf of the observer!
Sexual Harassment
How is this a relevant comparison? How about comparing the reaction you get as a male when telling someone about being a victim of sexual assault.
Things You Can Only Do With Boys
Double Standards
I dont agree that only weak men show emotion. It's nice to see a man who has emotions instead of trying to act like they are made of stone, with no feelings.
Appearance Standards
Comic Book Characters
Honestly, I have a problem with either gender of superhero being displayed in a sexual manner.
Sexualizing Bodies
We were playing around, play fighting when I kicked my husband in the balls. It wasn't on purpose and I instantly felt horrible as he spent about 5 minutes in pain on the floor. The worst he got me was an elbow to the nose that caused a nose bleed, and one where he slammed my back into the thermostat. Literally last week my husband asked "Why don't we wrestle anymore" and all that flashed through my head. I don't like the idea of women hitting men any more than a man hitting a woman. The only fighting I am okay with is play fighting.
Double Standards
Problem Solving
I don't agree with this one. Men get a lot of pressure on their bodies, as much as women. There is not a single person I met who said that they should "accept themselves" as a way to solve their problems (with getting laid). On the same note, any magazine cover will show that makeup is not a way to solve problems, or there wouldn't be 254 pages of the "new amazing diet already used by 45 stars that will make you lose weight before you even realize it". And we also have countless articles on "accept yourself and screw who doesn't, you don't need them anyway"...
Acceptable vs. Unacceptable
As someone who hate body hair, both are unacceptable. But I don't care about what they do as long as I don't have to touch them :p
Double Standards
Men And Women
I kinda like emotional boys more, like, atleast they aren't like those "badass" shitsacks like others. Also, expressing emotions is actually good for own body.
Standards For Dressing
Wait... what is this trying to say, even? What I gather is that people will judge you regardless of how you look. Surprise!
Double Standards In The Workplace
This is why I like the medical field. Everyone dresses the same
The Smiley Face Double Standard
Double Standards In Relationships
I hate it when people are like " Looks likes someones on there period." it's so annoying
Girl Power
women like that are the ones who make people think wrong about feminism. And, because many people are soooo closed minded, they think every single woman who wants equity are like that.
Double Standards
Gender Equality
Another double standard: just saw a news article about a female teacher that had sex with 4 of her students. Alot of comments on this are: "Boy, wish I had a teacher like that in school", "nicely done guys", ... Yet, if it had said "male teacher has sex with students" the comments would've been "omg, pedophile/perv", "castrate him", ... Both are just wrong and bad...-_-
Another double standard was in the news recently of Michelle Carter who convinced her 18 year old boyfriend to commit suicide in a quest for sympathetic attention from friends, family and the general public, face jail time. Her texts to him were exposed and she was facing a maximum of 20 years. But it was dropped to only 2 1/2 years, 15 months jail 15 months probation. You can find the transcript of the messages online. The sickest thing is not just what she was saying to the kid, but the fact she remained in a phone call to listen to him die. When it comes to the justice system, men have it far worse by a long shot. Therefore, I believed she should have served a much much higher sentence.
Load More Replies...Another double standard: just saw a news article about a female teacher that had sex with 4 of her students. Alot of comments on this are: "Boy, wish I had a teacher like that in school", "nicely done guys", ... Yet, if it had said "male teacher has sex with students" the comments would've been "omg, pedophile/perv", "castrate him", ... Both are just wrong and bad...-_-
Another double standard was in the news recently of Michelle Carter who convinced her 18 year old boyfriend to commit suicide in a quest for sympathetic attention from friends, family and the general public, face jail time. Her texts to him were exposed and she was facing a maximum of 20 years. But it was dropped to only 2 1/2 years, 15 months jail 15 months probation. You can find the transcript of the messages online. The sickest thing is not just what she was saying to the kid, but the fact she remained in a phone call to listen to him die. When it comes to the justice system, men have it far worse by a long shot. Therefore, I believed she should have served a much much higher sentence.
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