Learning mindfulness from my dogs.
I made this pictorial to prove that dogs are the real ZEN masters. During 24 hours, I took snapshots of my two dogs enjoying the present moment.
Being STILL…
Emptying my mind…
Letting my thoughts fly away as clouds on a blue sky…
Breathing in….breathing out…
Watching the road, listening to the sounds…
Feeling the grass and the soft wind singing in my ears…
Smelling the freshness of flowers, sensing the warmth of sun rays kissing my nose…
Letting all happen as it is, accepting all there is as it is…
Feeling nothing but the present moment…being nowhere than HERE.
This is perfect! I believe that's why dogs were put on earth; to teach us about TRUTH.
This is perfect! I believe that's why dogs were put on earth; to teach us about TRUTH.