If you're tired of all-white traditional wedding dresses - dip it in some dye or airbrush it. We're not joking!
This dip dye wedding dress trend not only gives your beautiful gown a colorful touch, it also solves one major problem that many brides face. Enyone who has attended a wedding probably saw how dirty the beautiful dresses sometimes get from touching the ground. So there's a very practical reason behind this fashion trend.
You can find plenty DIY tutorials how to dip dye your dress, however if that sounds too complicated, you can always order your unique wedding dress to get dyed.
More info: taylorannart.com (h/t)
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I like this the most,and prefer the pastels,pink would also be nice,Hate the first one,the dark blue dress and the yellow one.
This girl looks wonderful. No one is asking anyone to tear down these women, just look at the dressss. Keep your opinions to yourself about other people's bodies...
Well ain't this a swashbuckling affair of a couple. Notsomuch this one, LOVE the bouquet though.
Oh wow! Love that resist effect it's beautiful! I'd do it with more colours as that's a stunning pattern :)
Honestly, looks more as if she just walked through a bunch of corpses.. maybe the color should've went higher
Yes, exactly with that color shoe. It's the perfect complementary color to the pink.
Haha, she was doing this 14 years before it was cool. This pic is from 2002!
Not my color. But her day! she makes a pretty bride!! & YOUR WEDDING IS YOUR DAY, NOONE ELSES OPINION MATTERS ONE DAMN BIT!!!!!
The color is fine, it's a nice elegant green, plus it works with her hair and the flowers. It's looking like a sort of nature theme, and she's killing it!
Source link didn't work the way I thought it would. Photo: Denise Kramer Photography #JustinAndShaun 8/17/2014
This one is very subtle. I really like how the peach/cream blends so well with the surrounding tulle.
BEAUTIFUL I WANT THEM ALL. (even though I'd just wear them to the grocery store...) heheee
BEAUTIFUL I WANT THEM ALL. (even though I'd just wear them to the grocery store...) heheee