56 Funny Illustrations Proving The World Has Changed For the Worse
Why are the good-old-days always behind us? Sure, your TV is 20lb lighter than it was 10 years ago, but you've put on 20lb of weight in the meantime; your old Nokia cellphone was so durable it damaged the floor when you dropped it, but your new iPhone costs as much as a fresh organ on the black-market, and shatters into pieces at the slightest touch.
This open-list has some of our favorite then-and-now comparisons. Can you think of any funny juxtapositions? Vote on your favorite below, or post your own!
(h/t: justsomethingcreative)
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Teachers In 1960 And 2010
Mail Then And Now
Tv's Then And Now
George Lucas Then And Now
Cellphones Then And Now
Before And After Smartphones
Evolution Of Cellphones
Evolution And Philosophy
Gaming Then And Now
Running Then And Now
Wasting Timeline
Then And Now
Then And Now
Birthdays Before And Now
Cellphones Then And Now
California Then And Now
Chantal. Relax. I've lived in California my whole life and we're fine. We can take showers, drink from the faucet, go to the beach. Droughts in the US are much different from other nations. It just means we get yelled at a lot here. It's just a joke. Lighten up a little...
Then And Now
Before And After Smartphones
Evolution Of Baggy Pants
Then And Now
Then And Now
Not doctor bills... Dentist bills, that's terrifying, the holes, drilling, filling and all that stuff? I can just sleep through that, the bills however... even if i sleep, all it does it postpone the inevitable...
Going To Mcdonalds Then And Now
Then And Now
I wanted to attend a procrastinators' meeting the other day, but it had been postponed.
Before And Nowadays
Playground Then And Now
Gaming Then And Now
Dinner Then And Now
Then And Now
Role-playing Then And Now
Music Players Now And Then
Before And Now
well atleast he does'nt get lied to now and he's lerning to do his own reserch. i'd call that a big improvement
Father's Day Then And Today
Dinner Then And Now
Gaming Then And Now
Birthday Songs Then And Now
I still hate this song... It's reminding me that one year is gone, and I'm closer to doom, no one came at by birthday excepted my familly and my birthday is in summer break so no can say "happy birthday" to me
Before And Now In Schools
How can you say that there is no God??? Just take a look out side and you will see