If you think your dad's embarrassing then you obviously haven't met Chris Martin (not the singer from Coldplay. Just to clarify). Because this guy doesn't do typical embarrassing dad stuff like dancing in front of your friends or threatening to kill your boyfriend. No. This dad trolls his own teenage daughter. On the internet. And it's hilarious.

"So my daughter has been posting sexy selfies of herself and instead of telling her to stop, well, I thought of something better," wrote Mr. Martin on Instagram. He's a comedian and podcaster from Washington, US, and although his daughter Cassie might refute the first claim, we think this guy's a true contender for Dad of the Year. Take a look at the pictures below to see what we mean, and don't forget to vote for the most embarrassing!

More info: Instagram | Twitter

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Dad And Daughter Selfie
