Dad Surprises His Daughter With Different Post-It Note Hidden In Her Lunch Every Day For Past 3 Years
Rob Biddulph is an illustrator with a cause, and that cause is to make his daughter Poppy feel loved every day. To do so, he's been drawing creative lunch reminders on post-it notes and sneaking them into Poppy's lunchbox every school day for the past three years!
It started when Poppy was shifting from nursery to a primary school and Rob drew her a cute lunch reminder: "That evening she asked what I was going to draw for the following day. 600 post-its later we’re still going," Rob told Metro.
The hardest part for Rob is to come up with new ideas because he drew all of his daughter's favorite cartoon characters in the first few weeks. Thankfully, Poppy is a very curious girl and she's getting into new things all the time. Now it's the Star Wars phase, so Rob did the whole series with the famous characters.
The only problem with this idea comes from mom: "I get all the credit for the drawings when she’s the one that actually makes the sandwiches!" jokes Rob.
More info: Instagram (h/t: demilked)
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My mum used to write a wee note to both my dad and myself for our lunch boxes, everyday for years. I got teased in school, but suddenly some of the other kids thought it was cool getting a few loving words every day, so got their parents in on it :-) Your notes are amazing. I hope you can keep them for the future. Brilliant :-)
You are indeed very talented, I love your work and I`m sure your daughter does too
I love this! My single dad was an artist himself who would stay up late just to make us little drawings everyday!
Wow amazingly talented! A little surprise every day makes a girl happy everyday :) I wonder how long the dad took for each post-it art...
I love this! My single dad was an artist himself who would stay up late just to make us little drawings everyday!
Wow amazingly talented! A little surprise every day makes a girl happy everyday :) I wonder how long the dad took for each post-it art...