114 Brutally Honest Illustrations About Modern Life By The World’s Most Cynical Artist
Some people are optimists, some are pessimists, and some are realists. Illustrator Eduardo Salles is a realist, and you can tell from his comics.
The Mexico City-born illustrator is known for creating brutally honest comics about modern life. From the brutal truth of texting to the reality of dieting - Salles illustrates it all in his comics in an utterly cynical yet hilarious way. Keep on scrolling to check out his comics, translated from Spanish to English by Bored Panda, and don't forget to vote for your favorites!
More info: cinismoilustrado.com | Twitter
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Funny, in my experience the world is also full of idiots who think they are geniuses... :)
This one is so true. People don't want you to be who you are and will do everything to make you like everyone else. Stay strong people and don't change who you are!
This is quite true, because if they come back, they can still ruin it and leave again...
you can be yourself as long you're goodlooking, intelligent, charming, humorous and your quriks are socially acceptable
It depends on the conversation XD I'm still saying "HAHAHAHA" but I'm also laughing at the same time in personal.
If you learn a technical trade skill, you may well be better off. Heating/air, plumbing, and electrician, are just three that pay very well. And the biggest plus is that you can easily go into business for yourself. I love the knowledge I gained from my bachelors(history), and masters(physical anthropology), but my PhD is in Mechanical Aptitude. Guess which one I use for making a living? :D
It's refreshing to see something that offends both genders equally and you can't even call it sexist....
I don't know what will I say on this, But I know that we should help them both.
You may have a lot of friends in your life but the question is that who are the real ones???
same, if there's a someone almost die, they still keep take a picture instead of helping them, then they will upload it in any social media site. grrr.
This would be perfect if the first label were just "OMNIVORE", not "CARNIVORE (OMNIVORE)".
I don't know why some of the people in any social site are really big deal to have a many likes. :'3
same like reading an article in computer instead of reading in a real book.
Things I've thrown away from my teenage years that have come back in style in my early 30s: overalls, chunky heels, everything else...
"The world's still the same. There's just... less in it." ~ Jack Sparrow
Well, the nightstand leg does not kiss the foot, but mostly the little toe. I think that the only reason that toe is still being grown on our foot; to make out with the nightstand.
If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
when many are also connected :D hahaha even free data can't connect also. :'3
Haha! You did it again. I love the 20th century 21st century smart phone difference.
If math had been explained like this, I might have had better grades than just barely passing. XD
Meteoro, Family Guy, Aladdin, Dragon Ball Z, Power Puff Girls, Curious George, Donkey Kong, The Simpsons, -I don't know-, Futurama, Dexer's Lab, The Jungle's Book.
Hey that's small gift can be a proposal ring , worth than the big one :'3
The ones missing: Guy with pot sombrero is the Santo Malverde, the saint for the druglords, Next to him, Comandante Marcos from the EZLN movement in Chiapas, suitecase with money (so obvious) Tequila or Mezcal with lemon, cute Frog Fish, endemic specimen from Cozumel Island and happy Virgen de Guadalupe... this is genius... I´m Mexican and I am not ofended, this is damn funny