Hammy The Hamster Is Helping To Build A Playground For Kids With His Cuteness
Hammy The Hamster is on a mission to help rebuild the Kids Castle playground in Doylestown Pennsylvania that was designed for children of all abilities – including those assisted by mobility devices or who have autism.
Hammy hopes to grab people’s attention with his super cuteness. His kid owner & photographer takes photo’s of Hammy’s adventures to post on his Instagram and Youtube.
Can a kid’s mission make sure all kids can play combined with the super cuteness of Hammy Save this Playground? One thing is for sure – no one is ever too small to raise awareness for a cause so special to them!
More info: savekidscastle.org | Instagram
Hamming it up in the bakery
Hammy is gonna use his smarts trying to rebuild the Kids Castle Playground
Having fun at the beach
Channeling Hammy’s darth side
Trying out a new fur do
Enjoying a royal treat
Bicycle day!
If Hammy can build a bear do you think he can build a playground?
Enjoying bath time
Enjoying eating out
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