If you want to progress, you have to step out of your comfort zone. Simple as that. So when knitwear designer Kate Jenkins was getting cozy with her career, she started looking for new ways to express her love for wool, textile, and color.


    Image credits: kjcardigan

    “I have always crocheted since being taught as a small child taught by my mother and grandmother and have continued to use this throughout my career firstly as a knitwear designer and then as an artist,” Jenkins told Bored Panda. Combine that with her interest in the beauty of the everyday, and you get crocheted seafoods.

    Image credits: kjcardigan

    “I had the idea sitting in my mind for years and traveled to see how the fish were displayed in different countries, including the U.K., France, and Japan to name just a few,” the artist said. “I was then given an opportunity to show at The Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexander Palace in 2015 London, and then the project was put into action, giving myself 9 months to create a whole fish counter. I even got into character and dressed up as a fishmonger to complete the whole installation.”

    Image credits: kjcardigan

    “I have always had a fascination with fish and have spent many years trying to make them look as realistic as possible in yarn and sequins. It gives me great pleasure when I manage to perfect a certain type of fish, crustacean or cephalopod and I am constantly looking at ways to improve my techniques.”

    Image credits: kjcardigan


    In the future, Jenkins’ menu is set to expand. “I am currently working on a knit and crochet bakery which will be launched at the Handmade festival in Barcelona in May, no fish for this exhibition sadly but a lot of bread, cakes and other baked surprises!”

    More info: | Instagram | Facebook

    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan


    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan


    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan


    Image credits: kjcardigan


    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan


    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan


    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan


    Image credits: kjcardigan

    Image credits: kjcardigan