92 Hilariously Creative Snowmen That Would Make Calvin And Hobbes Proud
If you have kids and you live in a place that gets snow, chances are you're going to find yourself building a snowman at some point this winter. But before you stack a few snowballs on top of each other and stick a carrot and some coal in its head, check out this list of super creative snowmen compiled by Bored Panda. It's full of awesome inspiration to help you turn your boring old snowman into something that's going to make the rest of the neighborhood jealous. Already built one? Then feel free to add it to the list below, and don't forget to vote for your favorite! (h/t: justsomething)
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Would make for a great sculpture around a mailbox, with the mail slot of course being the mouth!
This would be scary to wake up to if it was outside your house and you didn’t make it! :*(
I'm fairly sure this was done in calvin and hobbes in their "snowman house of horror".
*sarcastically worst dog sound affect ever* woof. i guess... i mean... why not?
Most of these were taken from C&H, or were repeated ideas (people really love their cat snowmen)
Most of these were taken from C&H, or were repeated ideas (people really love their cat snowmen)