62 Times Broke College Students Proved They’re The Smartest People Ever
Most of us have spent some time studying at a uni or a college. And while a fraction of students are fancy enough to be living outside the campus, for the rest of us it's dorms and shared living spaces. Now, student life and being broke are basically synonyms, but not having any money might not be the worst thing at this stage of young life. Limited resources awaken creative ideas and these smart college students are here to prove it.
From engineered kitchenware to inventive cooking techniques these smart people do not let the college life lower the quality of their daily lives! DIY projects can save you a lot of money, and this list of economical solutions to everyday problems and dorm room ideas is a perfect example. Whether you're a student or just trying to cut back on expenses, this life hack list will inspire you to think outside the box. Have you ever solved a problem in an ingenious DIY way? Share your pictures below, or vote on your favorite!
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Blizzard + Ingenuity = Win
So My Son Fixed Our Shower
I Found The Other Phone Speakers Lacking Something, So I Made This
My Friends Went To College
Left Side Mirror Broken Off? No Problem
Sorry, We Do Not Have A Microwave Available To Guests
I'm Not Buying Socks For Another 5 Years
Quick And Easy Way To Make Noodles For All You College Students
Went To Visit My Son In College. This Is His Porch Furniture
DIY Genius
I'm A Practical Grill
Eww, you better hope the fire sanitizes the metal while you're at it
I May Have Crossed The Line Between Lifehack And Lazy
As A Uni Student With No Money, I Give You My New Cups
you an use an iron to heat the edges to make them curl in so you won't cut your lips...
Couch Fix
Bachelor Level: Engineer
You Might Be A Redneck If...
You can peel potatoes with a drill too, but it has to be done in water which is probably a little dangerous
Intuition Level: Broke College Students
Living Situation: Broke College Student
Reminds me of Jack Lemmon in "The Apartment" when he was cooking for Shirley MacLaine.
The College Student Struggle Is Real
Being Resourceful
Pretty Clever
Fire Extinguisher
Some Say It's Redneck, I Say It's Goddamn Genius
Parked My Car And Got Out, Then Saw This. Seems Safe To Me
College In A Nutshell
Cooking Eggs In The Coffee Pot
Didn't Have Candles, Had Matches Tho
You Gotta Be Resourceful To Survive College
You Might Be A Redneck, If...
The Student Loans Ran Out - Can't Wait Another Semester For A Second Bookshelf.
Oh the possibilities we are aware of when there is studying to be done.
College Edition: When One Is Without A Dustpan, A Modified Pizza Box Will Work Fine
Brilliant Idea
My Neighbors Are Testing A New Cash Flow Alternative
When You Don't Have Speakers
Cooking Level: Broke But Creative
My Razor Broke About 5 Days Ago
DIY Hot Tub
Luke's Pool
Lawnmower + Washing Machine Drum = Perfect Fireplace
My Dad's Solution When His Iron Stopped Working
Desperate Times Calls For Desperate Measures
Dorm Room Hot Tub
As A College Student, You Learn To Be Resourceful. Especially When You Don't Have A Microwave
Popcorn Fire Alarm
Toilet Paper Of A Broke College Student
When You Don't Have Enough Money For Christmas Tree, You Can Create One From Your Hair
Never Had A Toaster During Uni .. No Problem !
This Might Work, When You Don't Have A Candlestick
As A Broke College Student, I Make Do With What I've Got
Smashed Potatos With Beer Bottle
Glass Of Cockatil. Very Economy!
Van Plus Free Bricks = Bbq Oven
Been there done that. Although I seem to have aced the struggles of college life, I get to miss the the good old days once in a while.
Been there done that. Although I seem to have aced the struggles of college life, I get to miss the the good old days once in a while.