Russian Artist Combines Fantasy And Rasta Elements To Create Magical Cats
In the studio of Russian artist Victoria Serdyukova, known under the pseudonym of Sevillsia, unusual creatures are born — amazing cats of all sizes, colours and breeds which have never been seen in the world.
Victoria creates these wonderful sculptures from ceramic paste and polymer clay and paints ready figures on her own. The details and forethought of the images would impress you.
‘No realism, my cats are unique and fabulous! Some of them are similar to such Earth breeds like Devon Rex and Cornish Rex, Sphynx, Siamese and Oriental cats, others resemble only themselves. All figurines have been made personally by me. Each figurine is completely unique and inimitable and is one-of-a-kind piece,’ says Sevillsia.
Victoria lives and works in Rostov-on-Don (south of Russia), however, draws inspiration from a huge number of different cultures and currents. In the works, the craftswoman harmoniously combines esoteric, fantasy and rasta elements.
More info: livemaster.com
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