About a week ago Design You Trust wrote about an amazing 13 meters tall Christmas tree “made of 40 thousands ‘SPRITE’ plastic bottles” in Kaunas, Lithuania. However, according to the original sources like Delfi and Lrytas, there are “only” 32,000 recycled plastic bottles, but the beautiful Christmas tree will have 40,000 lights. That’s why you should never trust anyone, even if they have a word “trust” in their name.

Nevertheless, the artificial Christmas tree looks really great, and it’s especially beautiful at night when it’s lit from the inside and the green bottles start to sparkle.

“Green color represents peace, nature, and ecology. Ecology is expensive, and only conscious Europeans understand that ecology costs money. We are lucky because we didn’t have to spend the budget money,” says the author of the creative idea, Jolanta Smidtienė. However, some people argue that with all those lights used to lit this unique Christmas tree it isn’t so green after all.

Update: Apparently, it is not Sprite bottles used for the Christmas tree decorations, nor even recycled – 40.000 emerald plastic bottles were bought from a local company. After all, it’s not such an eco-friendly Christmas tree idea as we’d hoped.


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