50 Hilarious Pics That Show What Happens When You Leave Your Kids Alone
There is this saying: ‘Silence is golden unless you have a toddler. In that case silence is very suspicious’, and that’s what these pictures are all about.
We don’t even know what those sneaky little angels are capable of until we see it. Have your kids ever surprised you in this not-very-pleasant but quite funny way? If so, share pictures so everyone can have a laugh!
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This Is Why You Shouldn't Leave Your Kids Alone With The Dog
Feared The Worst When My Marine-Turned-Cop Neighbor Called Me Saying "Come Quick....My Kids....Theres B*Inaudible* Everywhere... Wife's Gone..."
Children Are The Future
When Your Kid Is Quiet For Too Long In Another Room
My Son Just Made A Huge Mess. This Is His Just Let Me Explain Face
There's No Force More Destructive Than A Toddler Left Alone For 30 Seconds
Never Leave Jam Unattended
This Is What Happens When You Leave Your Kids Alone With The Dog
This is why you get huge dogs: so toddlers can't do things like this 😂
When You Lose Track Of Your Toddler For Just Two Seconds
My Wife And I Don't 'Like' Our Daughter
Leave The Kids Alone For One Minute And
I Left My Niece Alone With My Dog For 20 Minutes And Came Back To This
Sigh... I Walk Out Of The Room For A Second
Why You Don't Mess With Beanbags
Mom, I Got Just A Little Bit Dirty
My Daughter Was Upstairs, Being Very Quiet
Watcha Lookin At
Little Artist
Doing Creative Work On The Computer
I Didn't Do It. It Was The Dog
This Is What Happens When You Leave Your Kids With The Dog
My 2 Year Old Got Caught Opening All Her Lollipops Instead Of Sleeping. The Fake Sleeping With Evidence In Her Hand Was Priceless
When Your Older Brother Babysits
He really wanted to look like dad. At least he was smart enough to not put it directly on his face
Sibling Love
Shiniest Kid
Look on the bright side: he'll have lovely soft skin afterwards! ;)
Thanks Kids
Never Leave A Child And A Bull Terrier Alone In The Same Room
Our 2-Year-Old Thought The Fireplace Was A Perfectly Acceptable Sandbox
The Kids Woke Up Early To Help Paint The Basement
I'm Pooped
This Is What Happens When You Blink
Little Guy Has No Regrets
A Silent Toddler Means Trouble. Came Downstairs And Found This
Checked Up On Him Half Way Through Disney's Cars 2 To Find This
I Think He Enjoyed It
Didn’t Close The Paint Tins Properly... Never Leave Half Open Paint Tins Within Reach Of Aspiring Artists That Happen To Be Two Years Old
A Friend Walked Into Her Nursery To See This
What's Wrong Mom?
That Peanut Butter Life
Don’t Expect To Be Able To Shave Tomorrow
I have a question. I have looked at multiple pages of kids painting themselves or something at this point. Do parents NOT teach their kids to leave items that don't belong to them alone? When three years old I got the brilliant idea of using my mother's lipstick to decorate the bathroom wall. She handed me a wet sponge and a can of Comet and said. You made the mess, you clean it up. She said I wiped a while and I cried a while. It took me hours to clean it. I'm sure she did additional cleaning after I was in bed. After all, there is only so much ability a three year old has. For the REST of my life, now 53 years later, I have NEVER drawn or written on any wall or ANY item I shouldn't have. That's all it took, I had to clean my own mess. How many of these parents made their kids even help clean the mess? How much you want to bet some percentage of parents actually MADE the mess to do an internet posting? Isn't there a Clorox commercial like that?
Never Leave Your Children Alone With A Bean Bag In The Summer When You’ve Just Been Talking About How Long It Is Until The Winter Snow… Look Daddy We’ve Made Summer Snow!
bean bags are dangerous for kids, they can coke on the styrofoam if they inhale it.
I Left My 7-year Old Daughter Unattended For 10 Minutes To Make Dinner. Big Mistake
She Is Playing Holi...
Made Coloured Crepes With My Kids This Weekend, And Returned To Work On Monday. Got A Text From My Husband With These Pictures And The Statement, 'You Didn’t Put The Food Colouring Back After The Crepes'
Yoooo that's like impossible to remove out of skin for like a few days or week 😳
This Kiddo
The Artist And His Work
Have Kids They Said, It'll Be Fun, They Said...
He Was The Only One Laughing
The Young Artist
Caught In The Act
All the pics are so funny, but, you parents do realize that if you stop and take pictures of your misfit kid, presumably while you laugh, s/he's going to do that again?
They don't necessarily do that. Kids aren't simple output programs where one input does not equal one output. Plus, the parents might not laugh at all, they might've just taken the pic.
Load More Replies...Well, sorry, but I call these sets of pictures 'free contraception photos' :D Guess I may more happily live my life with three smelly and loud dogs...
Yeah, I love my nieces and nephew but seeing how they can act/behave or what they do sometimes... And seeing lists like this :P No thanks. I'll stick with my cats (and dogs later too) :P
Load More Replies...All the pics are so funny, but, you parents do realize that if you stop and take pictures of your misfit kid, presumably while you laugh, s/he's going to do that again?
They don't necessarily do that. Kids aren't simple output programs where one input does not equal one output. Plus, the parents might not laugh at all, they might've just taken the pic.
Load More Replies...Well, sorry, but I call these sets of pictures 'free contraception photos' :D Guess I may more happily live my life with three smelly and loud dogs...
Yeah, I love my nieces and nephew but seeing how they can act/behave or what they do sometimes... And seeing lists like this :P No thanks. I'll stick with my cats (and dogs later too) :P
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