Meet Scruffles, the fat cat who has more admirers than you – and we’re not talking about the impressive number of his 42k Instagram followers, but about the chickens who line up to watch him pose. Yup, other than lying around doing nothing all day, this particular fatty likes to strike a pose or two for the audience of chickens who see him through a glass door and marvel at the spectacle. He doesn’t understand why they’re so obsessed with him, but they are.
Is it his fluffy glory? Is it the shape of his body? Or maybe his diva-like personality?
Maybe we’ll never know, but one thing is for sure – we’d just as soon line up to get a glimpse of this as any of those chickens.
Meet Scruffles, the fat cat who has more admirers than you – and it’s not his 42k followers
It’s the audience of chickens who line up to see him through a glass door and marvel at the spectacle
Now the cat spends his lazy days wondering why the birds are so obsessed with him
Is it his fluffy glory? Is it the shape of his body? Or maybe his diva-like personality?
The truth may never be certain, but one thing is for sure…
Who wouldn’t line up to get a glimpse of this kitty just like those chickens?
Share on FacebookThe photos at the glass door make me think of people visiting an aquarium.
The photos at the glass door make me think of people visiting an aquarium.