Warm legs during winter and some purring cats. Can anything be better than that? Well… it can if everything is sweetened with candy.
A Japanese duo – a former web designer Laura and her mother Caroline – celebrate their traditional culture and passion for pets and sweets by combining them into an adorable creation, inspired by their cat Apelila. The work features a bunch of felines napping around a kotatsu – a table that provides heating for your legs. The edible composition is made of nerikiri – a special Japanese sweet. It is done with so much attention to details that it is almost too pretty to eat. Plus, it is a lovely addition to the adorable desserts they have baked before.
Wouldn’t you just love to join this kotatsu (cat-atsu..?) celebration?
More info: carolinei.exblog.jp | Pinterest (h/t: Neatorama)

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