Danielle Bregoli, better known to the world as the Cash Me Ousside girl, just had one of her infamous tweets backfire severely. The 14-year-old middle school dropout recently signed on to do a reality TV show and decided to brag about her “millionaire” status on Twitter. The response this famous teenager received wasn’t exactly the one she expected.

The teenage girl rose to fame in September 2016 after appearing on an episode of Dr. Phil, and uttering her famous line – cash me ousside, how bow dah – to a laughing audience member. In case you’re as confused by this infamous celebrity’s supposed ‘street’ language as most of humanity, she’s literally saying that if you disrespect her, she’ll take you outside and deal with the matter in more physical terms. Her bad manners and foul language clearly hasn’t convinced everyone on the Internet, however.

The Bhad Bhabie clearly couldn’t take the heat from this Twitter thread and has since deleted the cancerous post. Hopefully, this whole scenario will teach young starlet to think before she tweets next time and put her on the right track to growing up. Find out what went down below.


    14-year-old Danielle Bregoli (cash me ousside girl) was tweeting up a storm as usual last week…

    But her announcement of signing a reality TV contract didn’t quite go over as planned