In this immersive art project titled Metamorphosis, bodypainters Leonie Gené and Joerg Duesterwald collaborated with photographers Laila Pregizer and Uwe Schmida in order to incorporate the human body into various natural landscapes. And as you can see from these pictures, they certainly did a good job.
No Photoshop was used in the process (which, given today's over-reliance on digital editing, is something of an achievement in itself) and all of the models were painted on location to create a seamless merging between body and background.
"Their work invites the viewer to see the human figure as a part of nature," writes the Model Society. "These remarkable images encourage us to enjoy the curves, forms and subtleties of the nude body just as we would enjoy the graceful shape of a tree, the gentle rise of hill or the abrupt angles of a rock formation."
Can you spot the models hiding in these pictures?
More info: Metamorphosis
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Woah! I sat here for three minutes straight before I finally saw them!!
Nice. Love the way she blends into the rock. I also like the rock itself.
They are beautiful, and cleverly done. But I wouldn't say she's hard to find in them
They are beautiful, and cleverly done. But I wouldn't say she's hard to find in them