Poor breathing, either induced by asthma, stress or lack of exercise affects us. Lack of oxygen in the blood makes us feeling unfocused. Inefficient breathing is also wasteful in terms of energy consumption and thus we feel tired. We go for a gym or walk to get few breaths out but either than that we just feel sort of down thorough the day. Breathing games are designed to train kids to make exhalations longer. This is specially recommended for people with breathing related (asthma, emphysema, COPD) and stress related (anxiety, blood pressure) disorders.
Breathing games are being controlled with a specially designed BREATHING+ headset on computers and mobile devices where 3-d characters are animated for the best interactive breathing experience. Breathing guidance is being provided and breathing rate is being monitored. Breathing games are the most fun and easy way to improve breathing and health of you and your children.
More info: breathinglabs.com