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These 22 Photos Will Make You Fall In Love With Foxes

These 22 Photos Will Make You Fall In Love With Foxes


Owing to its beautiful coat and bushy tail, which can be fiery red, steely gray or snow-white, the wild fox has held a special place in our hearts since time immemorial as a beautiful and mysterious woodland creature. These 22 wildlife photography pieces will make you fall in love with the cute animals all over again.

The common red woodland fox that most of us know is undoubtedly beautiful, but this cunning creature has managed to adapt to diverse climates throughout the world. The fennec fox of the Sahara desert and kit fox in the southwest U.S. both sport larger ears that help them stay cool in the desert, while the arctic fox has a thick and snow-white insulated coat and small ears that help it retain its body heat.

The fox is a member of the Canidae family, which also includes dogs, wolves, and other similar animals. After 50 years of breeding experimentation in the Soviet Union, they’ve also provided us with extraordinary insight into the domestication process. Over several generations of selective breeding (by choosing foxes with less fear of humans), Soviet scientist Dmitry Belyaev was able to breed silver foxes that began to exhibit domestic animal traits like tail wagging.

No matter how each fox looks, however, their wide range ensures that they have become elements of local folklore around the world. Various cultures throughout Europe, Asia and Africa, consider the fox to be a cunning and sly creature that often plays the part of the trickster in folktales and myths.

Don’t forget to scroll below for the beautiful fox pictures! As playful as the baby foxes are, you’ll find that images of foxes fully-grown show the intelligence in their appearance so favorited in the folklore.



    Image credits: Roeselien Raimond

    Image credits: Kai Fagerström

    Image credits: Julie Milne


    Image credits: Wenda Atkin

    Image credits: Igor Shpilenok

    Image credits: Igor Shpilenok

    Image credits: Roeselien Raimond


    Image credits: Edwin Kats

    Image credits: Einar Gudmann

    Image credits: Roeselien Raimon

    Image credits: Jim Cumming

    Image credits: Remo Savisaar


    Image credits: Francisco Mingorance

    Image credits: Igor Shpilenok


    Image credits: William Doran

    Image credits: Ivan Kislov

    Image credits: Dan Dinu

    Image credits: Robert Adamec

    Image credits: Micheal Eastman


    Image credits: Edwin Kats

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