Tania Katan, an activist, author and programmer, created a fun new concept for bathroom signs that she hopes will “shift perceptions and assumptions about women and the audacious, sensitive, and powerful gestures they make every single day.” Instead of the dress-wearing bathroom-sign figure we’re used to, her sign features a woman in a superhero-style cape with the slogan, “It was never a dress.”

Katan, the Curator of Code at software developer Axosoft, created the #ItWasNeverADress campaign to encourage more women to enter the tech industry – one that many people do not associate with women.

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    The #ItWasNeverADress campaign aims to empower women by changing how we look at bathroom signs

    Image credits: Jamie Kruger

    Turns out the women’s bathroom sign is actually a superhero silhouette

    Image credits: It Was Never A Dress

    Creator Tania Katan aims to bring more women into the world of software development

    Image credits: Facebook

    She hopes it will encourage more women to enter the tech industry, which many don’t associate with women


    Image credits: Hayley Ringle

    “In science, technology, arts, mathematics, politics, houses of worship, on the streets, and in our homes, insightful women are often uninvited, overlooked, or just plain dismissed”

    Image credits: Lawdan Shodaee

    “It Was Never a Dress will foster necessary conversations, vital voices, and images from around the world that honor ALL women. When we see women differently… we see the world differently!”

    Image credits: Axosoft