Mason, a young boy recently diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder in the UK, was terrified of haircuts and would often run away whenever his barber, James Williams, would try to cut his hair. By taking things down to Mason’s level, however, not only was Williams able to give him a haircut, but he got a thank-you hug from Mason as well!

“We both layed on the floor in silence & he allowed me to cut away & give him his first proper haircut, again achieving something in a job I love,” Williams wrote on Facebook. We hope Mason is thrilled with his new fresh ‘do, too!

More info: Facebook (h/t: themighty)


    Mason was terrified of haircuts and would run away whenever his barber tried to cut his hair

    His barber, James Williams, decided to take things down to Mason’s level

    “We both layed on the floor in silence & he allowed me to cut away & give him his first proper haircut, again achieving something in a job I love”

    Image credits: James Williams


    Image credits: Jamie Lewis