These amazing photos of a baby panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis) who doesn’t know he’s been born yet give us a unique insight into how these beautiful reptiles look when still in the egg. Canvas Chameleon, a pet shop and breeder in Reading, Pennsylvania, explained that this baby chameleon had to be helped out of his egg because he had failed to ‘pip’ properly. ‘Pipping’ is when reptiles or birds use their egg teeth to break out of their shells. The chameleon is now safe and comfortable with the rest of his brothers and sisters!

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    “Here is a baby Panther only seconds old that didn’t realize he was out of the egg”

    “I had to help him out of the egg. I don’t believe he would have been able to do it on his own as it didn’t pip correctly so I helped him out”

    “If the egg pips on the side for some reason it can be difficult for the little one to push out as their head isn’t near the hole and I’ve actually had them push out other parts of their bodies like their yoke sac which ultimately end up taking their life”

    “I felt it was necessary to play mother nature and give him a helping hand”