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A.S. Galston
Community Member
4 posts
322 points
Live in Montana and love it!
A.S. Galston • upvoted 40 items 3 years ago
Architecture, Home & Design
30 Old Dachas That Look Like Pictures From A Fairytale Captured By This Russian Photographer
My Family Farm C.1900/2000. It Was In Our Family For 125 Years. My Childhood Bedroom Window Is In The Top Center. It Was Also My Father’s And My Grandfather’s Bedroom
The two ads on YouTube that are long enough to be annoying, but aren’t long enough to be skipped.People-Share-Suspicions-Without-Proof
That the developed world would function just fine if people were paid the same salaries, but worked only 3 days a week instead of 5. I strongly suspect the elite and governments want us working as much as possible so we don't have enough free time to cause unrest and improve society in a way that would negatively affect them. After all, since machines and factories have automated most forms of manufacturing, so why are we working as many (or more) hours as people from 150 years ago?People-Share-Suspicions-Without-Proof
I believe that apple never actually intended for anyone to buy their $999 monitor stand. It was just an excuse so they could invalidate all warranty claims for the Pro monitor. "We can't approve your claim due to the use of improper 3rd party equipment".Show All 40 Upvotes
A.S. Galston • submitted 4 new posts 7 years ago
A.S. Galston • submitted 6 list additions 7 years ago
A.S. Galston • commented on a post 4 years ago
A.S. Galston • commented on 19 posts 7 years ago
A.S. Galston • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
My Family Farm C.1900/2000. It Was In Our Family For 125 Years. My Childhood Bedroom Window Is In The Top Center. It Was Also My Father’s And My Grandfather’s Bedroom
The two ads on YouTube that are long enough to be annoying, but aren’t long enough to be skipped. Architecture, Home & Design
30 Old Dachas That Look Like Pictures From A Fairytale Captured By This Russian Photographer
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A.S. Galston • 19 followers