Anonymous Vigilante Is Fighting Asshole Drivers With This Genius Parking Note
If you’re tired of asshole drivers who can’t park, you are not the only one. Luckily, there’s now a vigilante fighting against these bad drivers with a clever windshield note.
“I am giving you this dog, his name is Spot. I thought you might want him,” – writes the clever note. However, the message takes a sudden plot twist: “…as you seem to be trying to take as many spots as possible. I hope this helps.”
We made a printable version of this note for you to download.
More info: imgur.com
“I am giving you this dog, his name is Spot…”
We made a printable version for you to download
Want more? Here are 10 of the best windshield notes left for terrible drivers:
Image credits: John Pozadzides
Image credits: Anonymous
Image credits: mattythedog
Image credits: Jedrico
Image credits: SlainVeteran
Image credits: damon7620
Image credits: Anovan
Image credits: PossiblyDrunkIrishman
Image credits: TheCircusOfValues
Share on FacebookThe lines on the ground are NOT a suggestion! So somebody painted this moron some new lines to 'fit' his car . . . . Capture-58...f51ad3.jpg
Do you always park like this or is this a special holiday like "Park Like a M oron"?
The lines on the ground are NOT a suggestion! So somebody painted this moron some new lines to 'fit' his car . . . . Capture-58...f51ad3.jpg
Do you always park like this or is this a special holiday like "Park Like a M oron"?