Think you're good at hide and seek? Then think again, because as you can see from this list compiled by Bored Panda, these wild animals are the absolute champions when it comes to going undetected. You'll never be able to beat these animals' camouflage! It's the simple fact that they have the biological advantage of blending in, also called mimicry, and this allows these smart animals to disappear into their environment to avoid being eaten by predators.
Caterpillars that resemble leaves and geckos the color of bark to spiders that look like sand and stick insects that look like, well, sticks - aren't they truly amazing animals? These camouflage masters will confound and amaze you...but only if you can spot the animal mimicry virtuosos!
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Great Horned Owl
Common Baron Caterpillar
Leaf-Tailed Gecko
Leaf-Litter Toads
Wrap-Around Spider
Pygmy Seahorse
Gray Treefrog
Uroplatus Gecko
Green Sea Turtle
Tropidoderus Childrenii Or Children's Stick Insect
Wolf Spider
Buff-Tip Moth
Snow Leopard
Great Gray Owl
Oh, so this is your new dress Karen??...NOT impressed...!!! ΧD
Mediterranean Octopus
Arctic Fox
Stick Insect
Stone Flounder
Willow Ptarmigan
Copperhead Snake
Mossy Leaf-Tail Gecko
Red Bat
Katydid Or Bush Cricket
Long-Tailed Potoo
You gotta listen to the sound a great Potoo makes, it sounds like a teen that just went through puberty and is yelling at their mom
Shimmery Sea Sapphire
Longfingered Scorpionfish
Horned Lizard
Glauert's Seadragon
Flounder Fish
Southern Pygmy Leatherjacket
Mappet Leaf Moth
California Ground Squirrel
Peppered Moth
Tree Snake
Leaf-Litter Mantid
California Stick Insect
Mossy Leaf-Tailed Gecko
Camouflaged Looper
Leaf Insect Phyllium Giganteum
Great Potoo
Horned Adder
Ghost Pipefish
We have brown desert cicadas. When they take to the air, it's like a tiny football flying at your face!
Lichen Spider
Brimstone Butterfly
Peppered Moth
Stealth Owl
Soft Coral Crab
Copperhead Snake
Most likely a cottonmouth snake. It doesn't have the classic Hershey kisses pattern of the copperhead. Easy to confuse the two.
Adelpha Serpa Selerio Caterpillar
White-Tailed Ptarmigan
Misumena Vatia Spider
Crab Spider
Pretty colors or not spiders creep me out and it's made worse by how well they seem to blend in with their environments! Just a whole lot of NOPE happening here!