These 101 Of The Most Positive Things That Have Ever Happened On Twitter Are Exactly What The Internet Needs
The Twittersphere has become more bitter and politically divided over the last year than ever before. We at Bored Panda, however, have decided to break up the clouds and shine some light on the happier side of the web.
Here, you'll find adorable dogs that will instantly bring a smile to your face. You'll find family and friends poking fun at each other - out of love, of course. You'll even find a portrait of a guy made of sushi. This is your island away from all of the chaos and fear polluting your news feed right now.
Share these tweets with anyone who might need a little extra boost today, and remind them that it's not all bad out there - it just depends on who you follow.
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I see some very good schools up there! I bet he is incredibly proud of each and every hat!
A www, all three members of the family looking forward to the newbie.
Fantastic kid. The teasing he was willing to put up with, he gave more than hair!
Give something back... pancakes made with eggs --- see what I did here?
Reminds me of when I was young: My grandma had a porcelain sculpture of a naked woman, and I always kissed her when I was at grandma's house
Here in Norway, the pink plastic is to support breastcancer awareness....
Maybe the girl posted: *An american young boy came here and took me a snapchat!*
My dog basks in the sunlight on my rug on a sunny day while give her a belly rub for a hour. She is my master now.
Looks like your parents still have a good friendship relation, so instead of making the divorce all depressing and such, they decide to have fun. Massive respect for them if this is the case!
When you want a souvenir from Disneyland with your dog but you don't want your boss to know you're not sick.