This is an ongoing series about depression and how it affects people who suffer from it.  It is called “Melancholy – a girl called depression”, and the intention is to give the outsider a peek into what emotions or lack thereof such a person might feel.

The character in this series has no face and sometimes has missing limbs, firstly, so that anybody that either suffers from depression or has dealt with it in some way, can identify with her.

Secondly, to keep the viewer’s attention on the feelings often experienced through depression, like emptiness, hopelessness and not recognizing oneself anymore. This series goal is to bring a voice to those who suffer from this debilitating condition and also to create awareness.

More info: | Facebook


    Withering Away

    My Conceptual Self-Portraits Tell The Story Of Depression

    Its feeling like you’ve lost something
    but having no clue when or
    where you last had it.
    Then one day you realize what you lost
    is yourself.


    My Conceptual Self-Portraits Tell The Story Of Depression

    “Maybe we feel empty because
    we leave pieces of ourselves
    in everything we used to love.”
    – R. M. Drake


    My Conceptual Self-Portraits Tell The Story Of Depression


    “Why can’t I try on different
    lives, like dresses,
    to see which one fits best?”
    -Sylvia Plath

    It’s Complicated

    From the outside looking in, its hard to understand. From the inside looking out, its hard to explain.


    My Conceptual Self-Portraits Tell The Story Of Depression

    Somebody asked me if I knew you.
    A million memories flashed through my
    mind, I just smiled and said:
    ‘I used to’.


    My Conceptual Self-Portraits Tell The Story Of Depression

    Some days, I feel everything at once. Other days, I feel nothing at all. I don’t know what’s worse―drowning beneath the waves, or dying from the thirst.

    All images remain the property of ©Janelia Mould – please do not use without permission.