Little Planet Factory is a company created by George Ioannidis. One day this London-based artist searched for a Mars globe, and after failing to find one he liked, he decided to make his own.
George grew up watching Cosmos and reading Douglas Adams, and he also happened to be experienced in 3D printing so mashing space and 3D models was an idea close to his heart.
Little Planet Factory creates various size models of planets, moons, and suns. Globes can be as tiny as 10mm and can reach 200mm for those who want a more detailed surface.
Thanks to Little Planet Factory, space is literally within arm's reach.
More info: Etsy
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Solar System In A Bottle
why don't you use a big jar and put all the planets in order from the sun
Moon Globe With Surface Relief Detail
3d-printed Planets, Moons And Solar Systems That Fit On Your Table
Earth And Moon Globes
Sun, Jupiter And Earth
Solar System In A Bottle
Mars With Water Globe
so weird mars and earth mixed together look at it it is not only with water also land on earth
The 8 Planets Of The Solar System
Planets Of The Solar System
if the earth collapsed with Jupiter, it'd literally leave a stain on the surface
Jupiter And Earth
Earth Globe With Surface And Underwater Relief Detai
False Colour Topographic Earth With 3d Surface Relief Detail
Pluto Globe
The Four Galilean Satellites, Jupiter's Four Largest Moons
cool I can see the Galilean Satellites, the four biggest moons of Jupiter (Ganymede Callisto Io and Europa)
Sun, Jupiter And Earth
Europa, Jupiter's Moon, Globe
Venus Globe
Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury, 4 Large Moons Of Jupiter - Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, The Earth's Moon, Titan, Triton, Pluto And Ceres
Alpha Centauri Star System - Alpha Centauri A & B And A Much Smaller Red Dwarf Proxima Centauri
well our sun is a dwarf and so far Alpha Centauri A and B are Binary Stars which means stars that orbit each other or stars that orbit another thing but Proxima Centauri is only slightly larger than Jupiter so that's why it seems so small and they are all 4.36 light years away from us so it is far from us but still the closest star to the sun and Proxima Centauri B orbits Proxima Centauri and is slightly larger than earth but it could support life and has an orbital period of only 11 days so ........
Terraformed Mars Globe
Mimas, A Moon Of Saturn, Globe
Mimas a small moon of Saturn or is that Ceres the largest object in the astroid belt and the smallest dwarf planet or Mimas because the other person commented Death Star of Star Wars and Mimas does look like the Death Star so.......
Venus And Cloud Cover Globe
Earth Globe With Surface And Underwater Relief Detai
Planets Of The Solar System
Tiny Earth And Moon
Mars Globe With 3d Surface Relief Detail
Jupiter And Earth
can you stop showing me earth compared with Jovian planets cause I feel like a sesame seed
Mercury Globe
Dione, Small Icy Moon Of Saturn, Globe
Titan Globe
Cosmic Background Radiation Globe
Callisto, Jupiter's Moon, Globe
most cratered place in solar system and 3 largest moon after Titan and Ganymede
Proxima And It's One Known Terrestrial Planet, Proxima Centauri B
Earth In A Bottle
Tiny Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars And Moon
Saturnian Moon, Iapetus, Globe With Surface Relief Detail
Io, Jupiter's Moon, Globe
Titan And Cloud Cover Globe
Venus And Cloud Cover Globe
Four Solid Planets Of The Solar System, Pluto, The Four Galilean Moons, Titan And Triton
Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury, 4 Large Moons Of Jupiter - Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, The Earth's Moon, Titan, Triton, Pluto And Ceres
Tiny Earth, Mars And Moon
Exo-solar System And Jupiter For Scale
Planets Of The Solar System
rings of Saturn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oblate Jupiter Globe
Tiny Jupiter
Alpha Centauri Star System - Alpha Centauri A & B And A Much Smaller Red Dwarf Proxima Centauri
Dude, I love the little planets, but truth be told. I can't see myself spending R1,000 on a little Jupiter, no matter how flipping adorable it is. Thank you for sharing and I hope your Little Planet Factory does really well, because there are awesome! :)
Dude, I love the little planets, but truth be told. I can't see myself spending R1,000 on a little Jupiter, no matter how flipping adorable it is. Thank you for sharing and I hope your Little Planet Factory does really well, because there are awesome! :)