Even though Ramon Bruin has a degree in airbrushing, it’s his other skill that made our jaws drop. A Netherlands-based artist creates amazing 3D optical illusions all with an ordinary pencil. As he puts it, trying 3D art was just another way for him to push his boundaries and add another drawing technique to his portfolio.
A 31-year-old Ramon is mostly self-taught and impressively versatile with his cool drawings: he can also paint and draw with acrylic, oil, water paints, charcoal, paint pens, pencils, and graphite. Combining his 9-year experience in airbrush and knowledge from the Academy studies, Ramon established the JJK Airbrush company. It specializes in customized work only and declares that their sole purpose is “create kick-ass airbrush designs”!
For more optical illusion drawings, check out: 3D Pencil Drawings by Nagai Hideyuki and 17 year old Fredo.
Website: jjkairbrush.nl
3D Pencil Drawings by Ramon Bruin (Part II)
3D Pencil Drawings By Ramon Bruin (Part III)
If you like what you see, be sure to check out the incredible 3D Drawings by Nagai Hideyuki and 17 year old Fredo.
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