40 Of The Most Epic Entries From The 2016 National Beard And Moustache Competition
40 of the the best beard, staches and characters all in one place.
I've shot 3 out of the last 4 competitions and they never disappoint. This year's competition in Nashville, TN was no exception. You can also see my photos from earlier year’s competition here.
More info: gregandersonphoto.com
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This is me, Silver Medal a winner of the Dali Mustache Ricardo Ruiz and my "Salvador Dali" on my head!! I was hoping that fantastic artwork by my Barber "Rob the the Orginal Ferrel" in San Antonio Texas would put me over the top! Know I know I have to be more interactive with the crowd and judges, in other words work the crowd up!! None the less I am honored to be amongst fellow facial hair aficionados. To all that participated in helping me make it to Nashville for the "Just for Men Beard & Mustache 2016?National Championship, I want to say "MUSTACHE GRACIAS Amigos"!!! You can find me on face book or my website ChaChasTexas.com
If this dude's beard turns white one day he will be a top notch Santa. Look at the twinkle in his eyes!!
I want this. Like, really want it. The fact that I'm a girl is irrelevant. :)
Would love to find out what conditioner he uses on his glorious beard
Moustache is not easy to wear but this guy got it perfectly right, well done sir!
Sorry, I can see a lot of effort has been made but it looks a bit messy.
At a certain age, you just need to pull it back a wee bit. I say that as a bohemian of a certain age;)