Hello! Bored Panda is here again to kill your boredom. Are you ready to look into the second most complex organs besides brains? Are you ready to look at the mirror of the soul so close, maybe even close enough to see the soul?
Beware! After seeing these photos, you will never look at the human eyes the same way, nor at the fly eyes. Still want to see them?
Female Jumping Spider
(Bamboo leaf for Opo Terser via www.boredpanda.com)
Crane Fly
(Bamboo leaf for Opo Terser via www.boredpanda.com)
Female Tabanus Horse Fly
(Bamboo leaf for Opo Terser via www.boredpanda.com)
(Bamboo leaf for C. Young Photographyvia www.boredpanda.com)
(Bamboo leaf for Robert D Bruce via www.boredpanda.com)
Dragon Flies
(Bamboo leaf macropoulos via www.boredpanda.com)
(Bamboo leaf for rizalis (malaysian macro team) via www.boredpanda.com)
Robber fly (Holcocephala fusca)
(Bamboo leaf for Opo Terser via www.boredpanda.com)
Yellowjacket Queen (Vespula squamosa)
(Bamboo leaf for Opo Terser via www.boredpanda.com)
(Bamboo leaf for kevincollins123 via www.boredpanda.com)
(Bamboo leaf for kevincollins123 via www.boredpanda.com)
(Bamboo leaf for ~jjjohn~ via www.boredpanda.com)
(Bamboo leaf for kevincollins123 via www.boredpanda.com)
(Bamboo leaf for Chaval Brasil via www.boredpanda.com)
(Bamboo leaf for rizalis (malaysian macro team) via www.boredpanda.com)
(Bamboo leaf for Shirin Pocha via www.boredpanda.com)
Electron Micrograph of a Drosophila’s eye. The structure of the eye, similar to many other insects, is called a compound eye and is one of the most precise and ordered patterns in biology.
(Bamboo leaf for kevincollins123 via www.boredpanda.com)
(Bamboo leaf for Stephen Begin via www.boredpanda.com)
Ant Lion
(Bamboo leaf for Budslife via www.boredpanda.com)
Beetle (Chlorophorus varius)
(Bamboo leaf for MuseumWales via www.boredpanda.com)
(Bamboo leaf for Michael Hodge via www.boredpanda.com)
Beekermc: “Those aren’t its eyes, they are just to confuse predators (Its eyes are actually inside the folds by its head.)”
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