114 Incredible Before-And-After Weight Loss Pics You Won’t Believe Show The Same Person
As summer is right around the corner, many people may be looking to shed a few pounds. Unfortunately, losing weight isn't all that easy. In fact, most of the time the hardest part is getting motivated. Which is why we here at Bored Panda have put together this motivating list of before and after weight loss pictures. Featuring people who lost 160 lbs, 200 lbs, and even 325 lbs - these pics are bound to get you motivated! Keep on scrolling to check them out, feel free to share your own pics, and don't forget to vote for your favorites!
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Kate Writer Weighed 120 Kilograms And Lost 55 Kilograms In Nine Months
110lbs Loss In 7 Years. Worst Shape To Best Shape, I've Been Loosing It Slowly In Chunks
Exactly Three Years Ago Versus Today. 600 Pounds To 230 Pounds
Through Thick And Thin
Same Shorts, 270 Lb To 135 Lb In Just Over One Year
170 Lbs Down (One Year Progress)
I like this one because the weight loss doesn't look as drastic as some other pictures I have seen, which makes me think he is losing weight more slowly... which is often healthier. Well done!
New Mom Lost 100 Lbs After She Found Out Her Husband Was Cheating On Her And Calling Her A Cow Behind Her Back
Weight Loss Does Wonders. 70 Lbs Down And So Much Happier And Healthier
Bravo To My Girlfriend
This Homeless Man, Who Gorged On 10,000 Calories A Day While Eating Only Fast Food, Lost 140 Lbs And Found Love
I was homeless once. I wasn't able to afford to eat more than 1k calories/day. :/
World's Fattest Man After Losing +700 Lbs
When Told He Would Die If He Didn't Lose Weight, Pat Lost 325 Lbs
This Girl Was An Alcoholic, But Managed To Lose 165 Lbs After Quitting Alcohol
That's fantastic. I can imagine losing weight is hard, but losing weight and quitting alcohol? She's a superhero!
1 Year Weight Loss Anniversary
320 Lbs Down To 120 Lbs. Feels Great To Be Free
Hey Can I Post My 100 Pound Weight Loss
This Is What Losing 160 Pounds Looks Like
My Sister Before And After Losing Over 168 Lbs In 11 Months
Before And After Weight Loss
Big up to Thisbe guy who actually show what your whole bodyguard looks like after loosing so much weight...
193 Lb Weight Loss
What Losing 60kg Did To My Face
Weight Loss Done Well
I tend to see this picture all over the internet on shady sites selling weight-loss products
Couple Who Weighed 770 Lbs Have Lost Half Their Body Fat In 1 Year
My Fiancé Began His Weight Loss Journey Last October. It's Now One Year Later, And He Is Down 145 Pounds
Promised A Year Ago I'd Stuff Both My Legs Into One Of These Pantlegs
All Me, No Trainer, No Creams, No Pills, No Quick Fixes! Just Time, Patience, Consistency, Dedication, And A Mix Of Crazy
Obese Bride Lost 200 Lbs And Now,on Her 16th Wedding Anniversary, She Can Wear Her Wedding Dress Together With Her Husband
Andy Lost More Than A Half Of His Weight In Under A Year. From 317lbs To 141lbs
261 To 115 Lbs
125 Lbs Lost - A Year And A Half Of Running And Lifting
What Losing A 1/3 Of A Fridge Looks Like
688+ Lbs Vs. 349 Lbs
63 Lbs Down In 8 Months. Reached My Goal!
It's amazing what weight loss does for a smile. This girl doesn't look like she lost a great deal, but the impact on her pretty mile is huge.
70 Pounds Down, Never Felt So Good
274 Lbs - 180 Lbs
The Moment You Realize Your Old T-Shirt From Last Year Could Almost Be A Bedsheet. 50 Kg Down So Far
My Wife Finished A Triathlon Today, Exactly One Year From Her Very First Race
314lbs To 155lbs Thanks To Healthy Lifestyle
85lbs Lost And A New Life Gained. Bring On The Next Adventure
I Have Come So Far Mentally, Physically And Emotionally That I Can Happily Say I Barely Recognize The Girl On The Left
One Year And 200 Pounds Later. I Went From Not Being Able To Stand As A Spectator To Running The Same 10k
2007-Today, 345lbs-187lbs
One Year Ago Today I Decided To Change My Lifestyle
My First "Little" Black Dress
For The Pst 2.5 Years I've Dedicated Every Single Day To Creating A Better Me, The Kid To The Left Was Not Healthy Not Happy And Most Importantly Not Living To His Full Potential
Before And After Weight Loss
That kind of determination as a teen is really awesome (I'm assuming he's young)
In 10 Months I Lost 60kg. And Now I've Been Maintaining For A Year
10 Months Ago I Promised Myself I'd Lose 100 Pounds By My Birthday. Today's My Birthday And I'm Down 115 Pounds
Congratulations! You made the best present 🎁 for yourself! I a man happy for you 🎉
The Difference One Year Can Make
185lbs To 137lbs - Arms And Legs Are Smaller But I Still Have The Same Size Smile!
You beam with happiness on both pictures and I'm happy for you :)
From A Size 24, To A Size 6
I Started My Weight Loss Journey So I Could Make Sure To Be The Best Mom I Could Be For Her. And Since Then I Have Lost 5x Her Current Weight (She's Around 30lbs, I've Lost 150lbs)
Good for you!! You'll both appreciate the extra energy you've got to keep up with her!
When People Ask Me How I'm So Motivated.. Old Pictures. Before And After, 60 Kg Lost
Before / After Weight Loss Pics. Suit-Up Edition (304 Lbs ->165 Lbs, 15 Months)
Mum Of Three Lost 35kg In 32 Weeks. From 94kgs To 61kgs
I Lost 153 Pounds In One Year
Seeing The Progress Like This Is Pretty Unbelievable - Now To Maintain
Simone Anderson Lost 92 Kilos In Her Own Weightloss Transformation
Exercise Is Powerful Medicine. From 234lbs To 128lbs
Transformation 384 To 173lbs. Total Weight Loss Of 206lbs
211lbs To 110lbs In 10 Months
Me And My Girlfriend's Progress
Aww.. I love couples that lose weight together. They are bringing out the best in each other!
It Took Me Longer Than A Year. Total Of 200.2 Lbs Lost
This Woman Weighed 413lb At Her Heaviest And Would Eat Eight Portions Of Mcdonald's Every Day. After A Mini Stroke, She Lost 240lb And Now Weighs 175lb
Jessica Lost 13 Kilos In Three Months
13 kilos seem like such a small number compared to other people on this post but it makes such a big difference! This is super motivating. She looks great in both anyway ;-)
I Weighed Around 199 Pounds In The Left Picture And This Is Me Now
Basic Weight Loss Tutorial
My Mum's Incredible Weight Loss Transformation
My 70 Lbs Weight Loss Progress. From Fat To Fit
240 To 176 Lbs - Caught A Glimpse In The Mirror Yesterday And Literally Jumped Back And Started Giggling Because I Didn't Recognize My Body
I Remember Taking Before Pictures & Hiding Them In A Folder On My Phone. At The Time I Hated Looking At Them! Now I'm So Glad I Can Look Back At Them & See How Far I've Come
You have a great figure! Actually on both! But good for you, that you are happy now 🌻
Before And After Weight Loss
Today I Feel Okay Eating That Grilled Cheese That I Love. Today I Feel Okay Wearing A Tight Tank Top. Today I Feel Okay That My Belly Isn’t Flat. And For Me, That’s A Win
My Dads Weight Loss: 1 Year = 105lbs
Half My Body Weight In Under A Year (11 Months)
My Friend Ran Three Miles A Day For Two Years And Lost 140 Lbs. He Now Attends His Dream University And Has So Much More Confidence
I've Lost Over 160lbs Since 2014 And Run In My Third Ultra Marathon In 23 Days
504 To 243lbs In 16 Months
Seeing All The Other Pics Inspired Me To Post My Own. Before And After Losing 100lbs
260 Vs. 160 Lbs
Before And After
This is Kris Gethin... famous natural bodybuilder and "transformation specialist", along with being a prominent member of the BodyBuilding.com staff. He has several workout programs that take him from out of shape to shredded, and these pictures are from his 12 Week Hardcore Daily Video Trainer, I believe.
2016 And 118kg Vs. 2017 And 87kgs
One Year = 192 Pounds
135lbs To 99lbs After A Year Of Fat Loss And Muscle Gainz
Fat Ginger To Fit Ginger
Before Weight: 307lbs Now Weight: 183
240-150 & Never Going Back !
Only A Couple Lbs Between The 2nd And 3rd Pic .. But For Some Reason I Feel Thinner
Sometimes The Best Way To Motivate Myself Is To Remind Myself How Far I’ve Come. From 171lbs To 117lbs
Exactly One Year Ago Today I Wobbled Into The Gym
My Wife, Before And After Losing 116lbs
This Is When I Weighed The Most – About 305 Pounds And After I Lost 150 Pounds
6 Months Ago And Now
375lbs To 225lbs In 12 Months = 150lbs Lost! Currently Down To 205lbs
My Before & After Weight Loss: 7 Months Total. Heartbreak Can Drive You To Do Anything. But Now I'm All Smiles!
146 Lbs Down Now I'm Slim, Fit And Confident, My Skin Glows And I Feel Amazing With Unrelenting Energy
Two Years Ago Today I Stopped Making Excuses And Started To Make A Change
These Photos Are Basically 1 Year Apart And That’s Wild To Me. Never Been More Proud Of Something In My Entire Life
13 Months Progress
262 Pounds And 140 Pounds
Before And After Weight Loss
Before And After Weight Loss
295lb To 155lb
Lost A Shit Ton Of Weight (77lbs)
50lbs Of Face Progress
You were already beautiful before, but thats a gorgeous after :D
Before & After
Before And After. 344 Pounds And 205 Pounds
Just Another Self Loving, Body Appreciation Progress Photo. Down 3 Stone!
Lost 105 Pounds
83kg Down In 20 Months
Dysfunctional Vs. Functional. 62 Kg Vs. 57 Kg
178lbs To 140lbs. 5 Years In The Making And With Ideally 15-20 More To Go With More Muscle Gains. But Damn It Feels Good To See Fat Pics
290lbs to 184lbs lean. A lot of hard work and clean eating all done at home. I couldn't stand not being about to run around without getting winded. I had no life anymore. Made a decision and 11 months later there I was. 2014-08-13...78c145.jpg
Well done to all these people. And before someone starts saying that this is "fat/overweight shaming"- it is NOT. Obesity should be battled and not promoted. No, you shouldn't be a skinny model, with bones sticking out, stay as natural as you can, but dont be unhealthy with your weight either!
I've been losing weight with my boyfriend thanks to an excellent program, and it is NOT food deprivation. I think it won't be available for a long time, so take the quiz and watch the video now! ==>>> https://tinyurl.com/yb5d2g7h
Load More Replies...Lose weight if you want to. If you don't, then don't. If anyone tells you that you should lose weight, tell them to go to hell. Your weight, and even your health, is none of their f*****g business.
Yes it is your sickness costs everyone in insurance premiums as well as other shared costs, we live in a society.
Load More Replies...290lbs to 184lbs lean. A lot of hard work and clean eating all done at home. I couldn't stand not being about to run around without getting winded. I had no life anymore. Made a decision and 11 months later there I was. 2014-08-13...78c145.jpg
Well done to all these people. And before someone starts saying that this is "fat/overweight shaming"- it is NOT. Obesity should be battled and not promoted. No, you shouldn't be a skinny model, with bones sticking out, stay as natural as you can, but dont be unhealthy with your weight either!
I've been losing weight with my boyfriend thanks to an excellent program, and it is NOT food deprivation. I think it won't be available for a long time, so take the quiz and watch the video now! ==>>> https://tinyurl.com/yb5d2g7h
Load More Replies...Lose weight if you want to. If you don't, then don't. If anyone tells you that you should lose weight, tell them to go to hell. Your weight, and even your health, is none of their f*****g business.
Yes it is your sickness costs everyone in insurance premiums as well as other shared costs, we live in a society.
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